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    Geographical and temporal weighted regression model and its application in epidemiology: A review
    WANG Zhe, LIU Lu, YANG Kun
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2023, 35 (2): 199-.  
    Abstract538)      PDF(pc) (1050KB)(2788)       Save
    Geographical and temporal weighted regression (GTWR) model is a local regression linear model, which indirectly reflects the spatio⁃temporal non⁃stationary characteristics of the study data by calculating the trends for changes in parameters with space and time. Recently, GTWR model has become one of the hot topics in the study on spatio⁃temporal heterogeneity of diseases. This review summarizes the basic principles and study methods of the GTWR model, and describes the applications of this model in epidemiology.
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    Progress of schistosomiasis control in People’s Republic of China in 2021
    ZHANG Li⁃juan, XU Zhi⁃min, YANG Fan, HE Jun⁃yi, DANG Hui, LI Yin⁃long, CAO Chun⁃li, XU Jing, LI Shi⁃zhu, ZHOU Xiao⁃nong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (4): 329-.  
    Abstract2116)      PDF(pc) (1069KB)(2118)       Save
    This report presented the endemic status of schistosomiasis and analyzed the data collected from the national schistosomiasis prevention and control system and national schistosomiasis surveillance sites in the People’s Republic of China at a national level in 2021. Among the 12 provinces (municipality and autonomous region) endemic for schistosomiasis in China, Shanghai Municipality, Zhejiang Province, Fujian Province, Guangdong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region continued to consolidate the achievements of schistosomiasis elimination, and Sichuan and Jiangsu provinces maintained the criteria of transmission interruption, while Yunnan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces maintained the criteria of transmission control by the end of 2021. A total of 451 counties (cites, districts) were found to be endemic for schistosomiasis in China in 2021, with 27 571 endemic villages covering 73 250 600 people at risk of infections. Among the 451 endemic counties (cities, districts), 75.17% (339/451), 22.17% (100/451) and 2.66% (12/451) achieved the criteria of elimination, transmission interruption and transmission control of schistosomiasis, respectively. By the end of 2021, 29 037 cases with advanced schistosomiasis were documented in China. In 2021, 4 405 056 individuals received serological tests and 72 937 were sero⁃positive. A total of 220 629 individuals received stool examinations and 3 were positive. In 2021, snail survey was performed in 19 291 endemic villages in China and Oncomelania snails were found in 7 026 villages, accounting for 36.42% of all surveyed villages, with 12 villages identified with emerging snail habitats. Snail survey was performed at an area of 686 574.46 hm2 and 191 159.91 hm2 snail habitats were found, including 1 063.08 hm2 emerging snail habitats and 5 113.87 hm2 reemerging snail habitats. In 2021, 525 878 bovines were raised in the schistosomiasis endemic areas of China, and 115 437 received serological examinations, with 231 positives detected. Among the 128 719 bovines received stool examinations, no positives were identified. In 2021, there were 19 927 schistosomiasis patients receiving praziquantel chemotherapy, and 729 113 person⁃time individuals and 256 913 herd⁃time bovines were given expanded chemotherapy. In 2021, snail control with chemicals was performed in 117 372.74 hm2 snail habitats, and the actual area of chemical treatment was 65 640.5 hm2, while environmental improvements were performed in snail habitats covering an area of 1 244.25 hm2. Data from the national schistosomiasis surveillance sites of China showed that the mean prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum infections were both zero in humans and bovines in 2021, and no S. japonicum infection was detected in snails. The results demonstrate that the overall endemic status of schistosomiasis remained at a low level in China in 2021; however, the progress towards schistosomiasis elimination was slowed and the areas of snail habitats rebounded mildly. Strengthening researches on snail diffusion and control, and improving schistosomiasis surveillance and forecast are recommended to prevent reemerging schistosomiasis.
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    Artificial intelligence technology enables ultrasonography in precision diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases
    ZHOU Bo⁃yang, SHI Yi⁃lei, GUO Le⁃hang, MOU Li⁃chao, ZHU Xiao⁃xiang, ZHAO Chong⁃ke
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (5): 458-.  
    Abstract914)      PDF(pc) (1084KB)(2010)       Save
    Liver disease is one of the major problems affecting human health. Ultrasound plays an important role in diagnosis and treatment of diffuse and focal liver diseases. However, conventional ultrasound evaluation is subjective and provides limited information. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology may supplement the disadvantages of conventional ultrasound and has been widely used in the field of ultrasound in liver diseases. To date, remarkable progress has been achieved for the use of AI technology in the diagnosis, assessment of therapeutic efficacy and prognosis prediction of liver diseases. This paper reviews the research progress of ultrasound image⁃based AI technology in the diagnosis and treatment of diffuse and focal liver diseases.
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    Progress of schistosomiasis control in People’s Republic of China in 2022
    ZHANG Lijuan, HE Junyi, YANG Fan, DANG Hui, LI Yinlong, GUO Suying, LI Shizhen, CAO Chunli, XU Jing, LI Shizhu, ZHOU Xiaonong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2023, 35 (3): 217-224,250.  
    Abstract1410)      PDF(pc) (939KB)(1817)       Save
    This report presented the endemic status of schistosomiasis and analyzed the data collected from the national schistosomiasis prevention and control system and national schistosomiasis surveillance program in the People’s Republic of China in 2022. Among the 12 provinces (municipality and autonomous region) endemic for schistosomiasis, Shanghai Municipality, Zhejiang Province, Fujian Province, Guangdong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region continued to maintain the achievements of schistosomiasis elimination, and Sichuan and Jiangsu provinces maintained the criteria of transmission interruption, while Yunnan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces maintained the criteria of transmission control by the end of 2022. A total of 452 counties (cites, districts) were found to be endemic for schistosomiasis in China in 2022, with 27 434 endemic villages covering 73 424 400 people at risk of infections. Among the 452 endemic counties (cities, districts), 75.89% (343/452), 23.45% (106/452) and 0.66% (3/452) achieved the criteria of elimination, transmission interruption and transmission control of schistosomiasis, respectively. In 2022, 4 317 356 individuals received serological tests for schistosomiasis, and 62 228 were sero⁃positive. A total of 208 646 individuals received stool examinations for schistosomiasis, with one positive and another two cases positive for urine microscopy, and these three 3 cases were imported schistosomiasis patients from Africa. There were 28 565 cases with advanced schistosomiasis documented in China by the end of 2022. Oncomelania hupensis snail survey was performed in 18 891 endemic villages in China in 2022 and O. hupensis snails were found in 6 917 villages (36.62% of all surveyed villages), with 8 villages identified with emerging snail habitats. Snail survey was performed at an area of 655 703.01 hm2 and 183 888.60 hm2 snail habitats were found, including 110.58 hm2 emerging snail habitats and 844.35 hm2 re⁃emerging snail habitats. There were 477 200 bovines raised in the schistosomiasis endemic areas of China in 2022, and 113 946 bovines received serological examinations for schistosomiasis, with 204 sero⁃positives detected. Among the 131 715 bovines received stool examinations, no positives were identified. In 2022, there were 19 726 schistosomiasis patients receiving praziquantel chemotherapy, and expanded chemotherapy was performed in 714 465 person⁃time for humans and 234 737 herd⁃time for bovines in China. In 2022, snail control with chemical treatment was performed at an area of 119 134.07 hm2, and the actual area of chemical treatment was 65 825.27 hm2, while environmental improvements were performed at an area of 1 163.96 hm2. Data from the national schistosomiasis surveillance program of China showed that the mean prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum infections was both zero in humans and bovines in 2022, and no S. japonicum infection was detected in O. hupensis snails. These data demonstrated that the endemic status of schistosomiasis continued to decline in China in 2022, with 3 confirmed schistosomiasis patients that had a foreign nationality and all imported from Africa, and the areas of snail habitats remained high. Further improvements in the construction of the schistosomaisis surveillance and forecast system, and reinforcement of O. hupensis survey and control are required to prevent the re⁃emerging schistosomiasis.
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    Progress of researches on albendazole for treatment of alveolar echinococcosis C
    UI Ziyan, YE Gengbo, YU Wenhao, WANG Zhixin, KONG Fanyu, REN Li
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2023, 35 (1): 104-.  
    Abstract380)      PDF(pc) (988KB)(1646)       Save
    Alveolar echinococcosis, caused by Echinococcus multilocularis infection, is a highly deadly zoonotic parasitic disease. As a benzimidazole compound, albendazole has a strong and broad⁃spectrum anti⁃parasitic action. For alveolar echinococcosis patients that are unwilling to receive surgical treatment, lose the timing for surgery, or are intolerant to surgery due to poor physical status, administration of albendazole may delay disease progression. Recently, a large number of advances have been achieved in experimental studies on alveolar echinococcosis. In order to increase the understanding of the therapeutic efficacy of albendazole for alveolar echinococcosis, this review summarizes the advances in albendazole treatment for alveolar echinococcosis, so as to provide insights into the clinical treatment of alveolar echinococcosis with albendazole.
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    The role of sinusoidal endothelial cells in liver injury: a review
    JIANG Tingting, HU Yuan, CAO Jianping
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2023, 35 (1): 92-.  
    Abstract460)      PDF(pc) (958KB)(1466)       Save
    Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) locate on the surface of hepatic sinusoids. As the first line of defense between the liver and blood, LSECs are the most abundant non-parenchymal cells in the liver. Under physiological conditions, LSECs may induce liver immune tolerance through participating in substance transport and metabolic waste removal, thereby maintaining liver homeostasis, and under pathological conditions, LSECs may promote liver immune response via antigen presentation. LSECs have been found to play a crucial regulatory role in maintaining the balance between liver regeneration and liver fibrosis. This article reviews the progress of researches on LSECs functions, LSECs changes in liver injury, signal pathways associated with regulation of LSECs functions, and the interaction between LSECs and other types of cells in the liver, aiming to elucidate the function of LSECs and their roles in liver diseases
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    Schistosomiasis control in China from 2012 to 2021: progress and challenges 
    XU Jing, CAO Chun⁃li, LÜ Shan, LI Shi⁃zhu, ZHOU Xiao⁃nong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (6): 559-.  
    Abstract801)      PDF(pc) (1317KB)(1427)       Save
    Schistosomiasis has been endemic in China for more than 2 000 years, which causes huge morbidity, social and economic burdens. Guided by the national specific strategic programs and criteria for schistosomiasis, tremendous achievements have been gained for schistosomiasis elimination in China. This paper reviews the progress of schistosomiasis control and endemic status of schistosomiasis in China during the period from 2012 to 2021, analyzes the challenges to achieve the goal of schistosomiasis elimination in China by 2030, and proposes suggestions for future schistosomiasis control programs.
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    Discovery and distribution of and response to arbovirus in China over the past seven decades
    XIA Han, YUAN Zhiming
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2023, 35 (5): 427-436,450.  
    Abstract416)      PDF(pc) (1541KB)(1348)       Save
    Arbovirus is a group of virus transmitted by blood⁃sucking arthropod bites, which infects both arthropods and vertebrates. More than 600 arboviruses have been characterized worldwide until now, including 65 highly pathogenic viruses, which pose a high threat to public health. The risk of arbovirus transmission is increasing due to climate change, international trade and urbanization. The review summarizes the discovery and distribution of emerging and reemerging arboviruses and novel arboviruses with potential pathogenic risks, and proposes responses to the arbovirus transmission risk, so as to provide insights into the research and management of arboviruses and arthropod⁃borne infectious diseases in China.
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    Epidemiology of pathogenic tick-borne viruses in China: a review#br# #br#
    MA Jingge, LIU Ning, LIU Ziyan, LIU Quan, WEI Feng, WANG Zedong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2023, 35 (4): 325-330,348.  
    Abstract425)      PDF(pc) (973KB)(1270)       Save
    Ticks are obligate, haematophagous arthropods that are distributed across the world, which may transmit more than 200 pathogens, including viruses, bacteria and parasites. A large number of tick species are widespread in China, and their transmitting tick-borne viral diseases pose a great threat to human health in endemic foci. This review describes the epidemiology of common, emerging and potentially pathogenic tick-borne viruses in China, and recommends the assessment of public health significance and pathogenicity of emerging tick-borne viruses using reverse microbial etiology, so as to provide insights into the management of emerging tick-borne diseases in China.
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    Trends in the prevalence of schistosomiasis in Anhui Province from 2004 to 2020 based on Joinpoint regression analysis
    GAO Feng⁃hua, DING Song⁃jun, ZHANG Shi⁃qing, WANG Tian⁃ping, HE Jia⁃chang, XU Xiao⁃juan, DAI Bo, LIU Ting
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (5): 469-.  
    Abstract407)      PDF(pc) (1286KB)(1253)       Save
    Objective To investigate the changing trends in the prevalence of schistosomiasis in Anhui Province from 2004 to 2020, so as to provide the evidence for formulating the schistosomiasis elimination strategy in the province. Methods The epidemiological data of schistosomiasis in Anhui Province from 2004 to 2020 were collected, and the trends in the endemic status of schistosomiasis were analyzed using a Joinpoint regression model. The trends in the prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum infections in humans, bovines and Oncomelania hupensis were measured in Anhui Province from 2004 to 2020 using average annual percent change (AAPC), and the correlations among the changing trends in the prevalence of S. japonicum infections in humans, bovines and O. hupensis snail status were evaluated using Pearson correlation analysis. Results The prevalence of S. japonicum human infections continued to decline in Anhui Province from 2004 to 2020, with an annual mean decline of 14.8% [AAPC = -14.8%, 95% confidential interval (CI): (-18.9%, -10.5%), P < 0.01]. The prevalence of S. japonicum infections continued to decline in bovines in Anhui Province from 2004 to 2015 [AAPC = -31.3%, 95% CI: (-35.1%, -37.2%), P < 0.01], and was 0 for 5 successive years from 2016 to 2020. During the period from 2004 to 2020, there was an annual mean decline of 0.7% in areas of snail habitats [AAPC = -0.7%, 95% CI: (-1.2%, 0.3%), P < 0.05] and an annual mean decline of 9.2% in the density of living snails [AAPC = -9.2%, 95% CI: (-18.3%, 1.0%), P = 0.08] in Anhui Province from 2004 to 2020, and an annual mean decline of 35.6% was found in the density of S. japonicum⁃infected snails [AAPC = -35.6%, 95% CI: (-49.2%, -18.3%), P < 0.01] from 2004 to 2012, with no infected snails detected in Anhui Province from 2013 to 2020. There were significant correlations in the prevalence of S. japonicum infections between humans and bovines (r = 0.959, P < 0.01), between the prevalence of S. japonicum human infections and the density of S. japonicum⁃infected snails (r = 0.823, P < 0.01) and between the prevalence of S. japonicum infections in bovines and the density of S. japonicum⁃infected snails (r = 0.902, P < 0.01). Conclusions The prevalence of S. japonicum infections appeared a decline in humans, bovines and O. hupensis in Anhui Province from 2004 to 2020, and significant correlations were found among the changing trends in the prevalence of S. japonicum human infections, the prevalence of S. japonicum bovine infections and the density of S. japonicum⁃infected O. hupensis snails. Because of a minor decline in the area of snail habitats and widespread distribution of O. hupensis, however, there is still a risk of schistosomiasis transmission, and precision control for schistosomiasis remains to be reinforced in Anhui Province.
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    A practice of curriculum ideological and political education in Medical Parasitology teaching based on the situation of Yunnan Province
    WANG Li⁃ming, WANG Wei⁃qun, WANG Hong, CHUNYU Wei⁃xun, LI Juan, XIANG Zheng, LI Cui⁃ying
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (5): 537-.  
    Abstract399)      PDF(pc) (985KB)(1179)       Save
    In order to build a unified teaching pattern integrating knowledge delivery, skill cultivation and value guidance, this article, based on the targets of cultivating medical talents in the new era, aims to explore the pathway of curriculum ideological and political education in Medical Parasitology teaching based on the situation of Yunnan Province. By analyzing the epidemiology of parasitic diseases in Yunnan Province, the remarkable achievements of parasitic diseases control in China and Yunnan Province, cases with parasitic disease misdiagnosis, parasitologists’ selfless contributions, the contributions of traditional Chinese medicines to parasitic diseases control and the contributions of traditional Chinese medicines in Yunnan Province, the ideological and political education is naturally integrated into Medical Parasitology teaching, to create an educational model combining professional course teaching with ideological and political education curriculum.
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    Progress in methodology of the Global Burden of Disease Study and its impact on the disease burden of parasitic diseases
    ZENG Ting, JIA Tiewu
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2023, 35 (3): 299-306.  
    Abstract388)      PDF(pc) (1232KB)(1086)       Save
    Currently, the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) is the most comprehensive, systematic, and largest-scale global observational epidemiological project, which measures the national, regional and global mortality and disability of diseases, injuries and risk factors that threaten human health using unified indicators, such as disability-adjusted life year. This review describes the development history, assessment process and methodological advances of GBD, and discusses the impact of GBD on the burden of parasitic diseases, aiming to provide insights into the widespread use of GBD.
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    Current status and prospects of artificial intelligence in schistosomiasis prevention and control
    LI Zi⁃ang, JIAO Yi⁃ping, XU Jun
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (5): 453-.  
    Abstract721)      PDF(pc) (1052KB)(1070)       Save
    Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease that seriously endangers human health and affects socioeconomic developments. Artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in clinical medical sciences, including tumor screening, and electrocardiogram, imaging and pathological analyses, which has potential for precision control of schistosomiasis. Currently, artificial intelligence technology has been employed for clinical assessment of schistosomiasis⁃associated hepatic fibrosis and ectopic schistosomiasis, prognostic prediction of advanced schistosomiasis, automated identification of Oncomelania hupensis and Schistosoma japonicum eggs and miracidia, epidemiological surveillance of schistosomiasis, and drug discovery. This review summarizes the advances in the applications of artificial intelligence technology in the management of schistosomiasis and proposes the prospects for the use of artificial intelligence in schistosomiasis elimination.
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    Mechanism of hepatic fibrosis associated with Echinococcus: a review
    ZHANG Ren⁃jie, PANG Hua⁃sheng, LI Jing⁃zhong, LUO Zhao⁃hui, AI Lin, SONG Peng, CAI Yu⁃chun, LU Yan, MO Xiao⁃jin, CHEN Mu⁃xin , CHEN Jia⁃xu
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (6): 646-.  
    Abstract400)      PDF(pc) (1023KB)(987)       Save
    Echinococcosis is a zoonotic parasitic disease caused by Echinococcus infections, and this disorder may cause fibrosis of multiple vital organs, which may further progress into cirrhosis. Early⁃stage hepatic fibrosis is reversible, and unraveling the mechanisms underlying hepatic fibrosis induced by Echinococcus infections is of great significance for the prevention and treatment of early⁃stage hepatic fibrosis. Recently, the studies pertaining to hepatic fibrosis associated with Echinococcus infections focus on cytokines and immune cells. This review summarizes the advances in the mechanisms underlying host immune cells⁃ and cytokines⁃mediated hepatic fibrosis in humans or mice following Echinococcus infections.
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    Progress of researches on infection with two species of Echinococcus causing human diseases in animal hosts and influencing factors
    LI Chun⁃yang, GUAN Ya⁃yi, WU Wei⁃ping, XUE Chui⁃zhao
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (2): 194-.  
    Abstract463)      PDF(pc) (1081KB)(950)       Save
    Echinococcosis is a serious zoonotic parasitic disease caused by infections with larval Echinococcus. The life cycle of Echinococcus involves a variety of animal hosts, including hoofed animals and rodents as intermediate hosts and carnivores as definitive hosts. The transmission of human echinococcosis is closely associated with the life cycle of E. granulosus and E. multilocularis among animal hosts in nature. This review summarizes the recent advances in the prevalence and influencing factors of E. granulosus and E. multilocularis infections in animal hosts, so as to provide insights into precision control of echinococcosis.
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    Artificial intelligence facilitates tropical infectious disease control and research
    SHI Liang, ZHANG Jian⁃feng, LI Wei, YANG Kun
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (5): 445-.  
    Abstract676)      PDF(pc) (2219KB)(943)       Save
    Since the global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID⁃19) in late 2019, artificial intelligence technology has shown increasing values in the research and control of tropical infectious diseases. The introduction of artificial intelligence technology has shown remarkable effectiveness to reduce the diagnosis and treatment burdens, reduce missing diagnosis and misdiagnosis, improve the surveillance and forecast ability and enhance the medicine and vaccine development efficiency. This paper summarizes the current applications of artificial intelligence in tropical infectious disease control and research and discusses the important values of artificial intelligence in disease diagnosis and treatment, disease surveillance and forecast, vaccine and drug discovery, medical and public health services and global health governance. However, artificial intelligence technology suffers from problems of single and inaccurate diagnosis, poor disease surveillance and forecast ability in open environments, limited capability of intelligent system services, big data management and model interpretability. Hereby, we propose suggestions with aims to improve multimodal intelligent diagnosis of multiple tropical infectious diseases, emphasize intelligent surveillance and forecast of vectors and high⁃risk populations in open environments, accelerate the research and development of intelligent management system, strengthen ethical security, big data management and model interpretability.
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    One Health: Re⁃thinking of zoonoses control
    FEI Si⁃wei, XU Jing⁃shan, LÜ Shan, GUO Xiao⁃kui, ZHOU Xiao⁃nong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (1): 1-.  
    Abstract1138)      PDF(pc) (1170KB)(939)       Save
    Under the dual pressure of emerging zoonoses and the difficulty in eliminating conventional zoonoses, many uncertainties in global control of infectious diseases are challenging the achievement of sustainable development goals set by the United Nations General Assembly. One Health, developed on the basis of understanding the relationship between human diseases and animal diseases, is conducive to the prevention and control of zoonoses. The connotation of “One Health” is mainly explained by three aspects, namely the systems thinking mode of “unity of environment and man”, the practice guidance of “multi⁃sectoral concert” and the economic evaluation strategy of “cost⁃effectiveness analysis”. One Health approach has been successfully applied in the control of major infectious diseases in China, such as schistosomiasis, leading to remarkable achievements; however, there are still multiple challenges. This review proposes that much attention should be paid to top⁃level design, the difference between emerging zoonoses and conventional zoonoses, and the dynamic process of One Health governance during the development and application of One Health.
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    Epidemiological trends of schistosomiasis in Poyang County of Jiangxi Province from 2004 to 2020 based on the Joinpoint regression model
    WU Xin⁃hua, WU Jun, XU Ren⁃mei, XIONG Ying, CHEN Zhe
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (1): 7-.  
    Abstract1563)      PDF(pc) (1296KB)(916)       Save
    Objective To analyze the dynamic changes of schistosomiasis in Poyang County of Jiangxi Province from 2004 to 2020, so as to provide insight into the development of the schistosomiasis elimination strategy. Methods Schistosomiasis control data were captured from Poyang County from 2004 to 2020, and the epidemiological data of schistosomiasis were collected from national schistosomiasis surveillance sites in Poyang County from 2005 to 2020. The endemic status of schistosomiasis was analyzed in Poyang County from 2004 to 2020, and a Joinpoint regression analysis was performed to investigate the trends of schistosomiasis in Poyang County from 2004 to 2020. Results The sero⁃prevalence and egg⁃prevalence of human Schistosoma japonicum infections reduced from 24.39% (24 976/102 397) and 4.53% (259/5 721) in 2004 to 5.37% (2 421/45 100) [annual percent change (APC) = average annual percent change (AAPC) = -8.64% ] and 0 (0/3 963) in 2020 (APC = AAPC = -32.07%) in Poyang County, and the trends were both significant (both P < 0.01). The sero⁃prevalence of S. japonicum infections reduced from 1.21% (294/24 332) in bovines in 2013 to 0.58% (35/5 999) in 2020 in Poyang County, with one turning point (AAPC = -8.20%,P > 0.05). There were no townships or villages with emerging snail habitats in Poyang County from 2004 to 2020, and there were three turning points of trend in the proportion of snail areas detected in total snail areas (AAPC = -2.30%,P > 0.01).The sero⁃prevalence and adjusted prevalence of S. japonicum infections reduced from 60.82% (742/1 220) and 10.16% (124/1 220) in local residents in 2005 to 5.73% (70/1 221) and 0 in 2020 in national schistosomiasis surveillance sites of Poyang County, and the trends for sero⁃prevalence (APC = AAPC = 17.47%, P < 0.01) and adjusted prevalence of S. japonicum infections (APC = AAPC = -44.92%, P < 0.01) were both statistically significant. S. japonicum infections were identified in 10 (2005) and 2 local livestock (2007), with prevalence of 10.00% (10/100) and 13.33% (2/15), respectively, and S. japonicum infections were detected in snails in 2008 and 2009; however, no positive samples of mixed O. hupensis were detected by loop⁃mediated isothermal amplification. Conclusions The endemic situation of schistosomiasis control had remarkably reduced in Poyang County from 2004 to 2020; however, there are still challenges for consolidating schistosomiasis control achievements and even elimination of schistosomiasis.
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    Epidemiological trends for human schistosomiasis prevalence in Hubei Province from 2004 to 2018 based on Joinpoint regression analysis
    XIAO Ying, ZHONG Chen⁃hui, WEI Feng⁃hua, DAI Ling⁃feng, YANG Jun⁃jing, CHEN Yan⁃yan
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (2): 122-.  
    Abstract1228)      PDF(pc) (1177KB)(903)       Save
    Objective To analyze the trends of human schistosomiasis prevalence in Hubei Province from 2004 to 2018, so as to provide the evidence for formulating the schistosomiasis elimination strategy in the province. Methods All data pertaining to human schistosomiasis prevalence in Hubei Province were collected from 2004 to 2018, and the trends for changes in seroprevalence, egg⁃positive rate and prevalence of human Schistosoma japonicum infection were analyzed using a Joinpoint regression model. Results  Both of the numbers of residents seropositive and egg⁃positive for S. japonicum infections appeared a tendency towards a decline in Hubei Province from 2004 to 2018, and the prevalence of human S. japonicum infections reduced from 6.85% in 2004 to 0 in 2018. Joinpoint regression analysis showed that the prevalence of human S. japonicum infections appeared an overall tendency towards a reduction in Hubei Province from 2004 to 2018 [average annual percent change (AAPC) = -24.1%, P < 0.01], and the trends for the reduction were both significant during the period from 2004 to 2006 [annual percent change (APC) = -35.1%, P < 0.01] and from 2006 to 2018 (APC = -22.1%, P < 0.01). The prevalence of human S. japonicum infections appeared a tendency towards a decline in islet (AAPC = -25.1%, P < 0.01), inner embankment (AAPC = -26.4%, P < 0.01) and hilly subtypes of schistosomiasis⁃endemic areas (AAPC = -32.5%, P < 0.01) of Hubei Province from 2004 to 2018, and the prevalence all appeared a tendency towards a decline during the infection control stage (from 2004 to 2008), the transmission control stage (from 2009 to 2013) and the transmission interruption stage (from 2014 to 2018) (AAPC = -28.0%, -24.4% and -63.8%, all P values < 0.01). The seroprevalence of human S. japonicum infections appeared an overall tendency towards a decline in Hubei Province from 2004 to 2018 (AAPC = -14.5%, P < 0.01), and the trends for the reduction were both significant during the period from 2004 to 2012 (APC = -8.4%, P < 0.01) and from 2012 to 2018 (APC = -22.1%, P < 0.01). In addition, the egg⁃positive rate of human S. japonicum infections appeared an overall tendency towards a decline in Hubei Province from 2004 to 2018 (AAPC = -30.6%, P < 0.05), and the trend for the reduction was significant during the period from 2007 to 2014 (APC = -15.5%, P < 0.01). Conclusions The prevalence of human schistosomiasis appeared a tendency towards a decline in Hubei Province from 2004 to 2018, and the islet and inner embankment subtypes of endemic areas are a high priority for schistosomiasis control during the stage moving towards elimination in Hubei Province.
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    Application of CRISPR/Cas systems in the nucleic acid detection of pathogens: a review
    LI Mengru, QIN Zhiqiang, YIN Kun, ZHENG Bin
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2023, 35 (1): 98-.  
    Abstract485)      PDF(pc) (1332KB)(848)       Save
    Rapid, sensitive and specific detection tools are critical for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. The in vitro nucleic acid amplification assays, including polymerase chain reaction and isothermal amplification technology, have been widely used for the detection of pathogens. Recently, nucleic acid detection⁃based on clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR⁃associated proteins (Cas) have been developed, which are rapid, highly sensitive, highly specific, and portable. This review describes the classification and principle of CRISPR/Cas systems and their applications in pathogen detection, and discusses the prospects of CRISPR/Cas systems.
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    Enterobius vermicularis infection in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province: a case report
    LU Li⁃Dan, SHE Dan⁃Ya, LIN Guang⁃Chu, GUO Hua
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (2): 212-.  
    Abstract541)      PDF(pc) (1079KB)(847)       Save
    The report presents a case with  Enterobius vermicularis infections  in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, aiming to strengthen the attention to parasitic infections.
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    Epidemic trend and control progress of taeniasis and cysticercosis in Henan Province
    JIANG Tian⁃tian, JI Peng⁃hui, HE Zhi⁃quan, ZHANG Ya⁃lan, DENG Yan, CHEN Xi, HONG Yang, ZHAO Dong⁃yang, ZHANG Hong⁃wei, LIN Xi⁃meng, CHEN Wei⁃qi
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (5): 547-.  
    Abstract592)      PDF(pc) (1050KB)(801)       Save
    Henan Province is one of the provinces where taeniasis and cysticercosis were historically highly prevalent, and Taenia solium is the dominant species of tapeworm. Following the concerted efforts since 1970s, the prevalence of human taeniasis and cysticercosis has been maintained at a low level in Henan Province, which facilitates the national taeniasis and cysticercosis elimination program in China. Following the implementation of the policy of aeniasis and cysticercosis elimination and classified guidance, a great success has been achieved in aeniasis and cysticercosis control in Henan Province. With continuous promotion of the opening⁃up policy and the Belt and Road Initiative, there are still challenges in taeniasis and cysticercosis control. This review summarizes the control progress of taeniasis and cysticercosis and proposes the challenges of taeniasis and cysticercosis control in Henan Province.
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    Construction of a risk assessment indicator system for re-establishment of imported malaria
    LAN Zi⁃yao, LI Yang, HUANG Yu⁃ting, SHI Wei⁃fang, SHE Dan⁃ya, JIANG Zhi, LIU Lei
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (2): 163-.  
    Abstract556)      PDF(pc) (1344KB)(776)       Save
    Objective To create a risk assessment indicator system for re⁃establishment of imported malaria. Methods The risk assessment indicator system for re⁃establishment of imported malaria was preliminarily constructed through literature review and thematic discussions. A total of 26 malaria control experts were selected to carry out a two⁃round Delphi consultation of the indicator system. The active coefficient, authority coefficient and coordination coefficient of the experts and the coefficient of variation on each indicator were calculated for indicator screening and the weight of each indicator was calculated. The reliability of the indicator system was evaluated using Cronbach’s coefficient α, and the content validity of the indicator system was evaluated using the authority coefficient of the expert, while the structural validity of the indicator system was evaluated using Kaiser⁃Meyer⁃Olkin (KMO) test and factor analysis. Results Two rounds of Delphi expert consultations were completed by 23 malaria control experts, and a risk assessment indicator system for re⁃establishment of imported malaria was constructed, including 3 primary indicators, 7 secondary indicators, and 21 tertiary indicators. The active coefficient (100.00% vs. 88.46%; P < 0.01) and coordination coefficient of the expert (0.372 vs. 0.286; P < 0.01) were significantly greater in the second round of the Delphi expert consultation than in the first round. After the second round of the Delphi expert consultation, the authority coefficient of the experts ranged from 0.757 to 0.930 on each indicator, and the coefficients of variation were 0.098 to 0.136, 0.112 to 0.276 and 0.139 to 0.335 for the primary, secondary and tertiary indicators, respectively. The overall Cronbach’s coefficient α of the indicator system was 0.941, and there were significant differences in the KMO values for primary (KMO value = 0.523; [χ2] = 18.192, P < 0.05), secondary (KMO value = 0.694, [χ2] = 51.499, P < 0.01) and tertiary indicators (KMO value = 0.519; [χ2] = 477.638, P < 0.01), while the cumulative contribution rate of six principal components in the tertiary indicators was 84.23%. The normalized weights of three primary indicators of the source of infection, transmission condition and control capability were 0.337, 0.333 and 0.329, and the three secondary indicators with the greatest normalized weights included the number of imported cases and malaria parasite species (0.160), introduction of imported cases in China and medical care seeking (0.152), vector species and density (0.152), while the five tertiary indicators with the greatest normalized weights included the malaria parasite species of imported cases (0.065), vector populations (0.064), and the time interval from onset to medical care seeking (0.059), number of imported cases (0.056), and the time interval from medical care seeking to definitive diagnosis (0.055). Conclusion A risk assessment indicator system for re⁃establishment of imported malaria is successfully created, which provides insights into the assessment of the risk of re⁃establishment of imported malaria and management of key high⁃risk factors in malaria⁃eliminated areas.
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    Risk predictive models of healthcare⁃seeking delay among imported malaria patients in Jiangsu Province based on the machine learning
    ZHANG Yuying, CAO Yuanyuan, YANG Kai, WANG Weiming, YANG Mengmeng, CHAI Liying, GU Jiyue, LI Mengyue, LU Yan, ZHOU Huayun, ZHU Guoding, CAO Jun, LU Guangyu
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2023, 35 (3): 225-235,243.  
    Abstract442)      PDF(pc) (1362KB)(772)       Save
    Objective To create risk predictive models of healthcare⁃seeking delay among imported malaria patients in Jiangsu Province based on machine learning algorithms, so as to provide insights into early identification of imported malaria cases in Jiangsu Province. Methods Case investigation, first symptoms and time of initial diagnosis of imported malaria patients in Jiangsu Province in 2019 were captured from Infectious Disease Report Information Management System and Parasitic Disease Prevention and Control Information Management System of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The risk predictive models of healthcare⁃seeking delay among imported malaria patients were created with the back propagation (BP) neural network model, logistic regression model, random forest model and Bayesian model using thirteen factors as independent variables, including occupation, species of malaria parasite, main clinical manifestations, presence of complications, severity of disease, age, duration of residing abroad, frequency of malaria parasite infections abroad, incubation period, level of institution at initial diagnosis, country of origin, number of individuals travelling with patients and way to go abroad, and time of healthcare⁃seeking delay as a dependent variable. Logistic regression model was visualized using a nomogram, and the nomogram was evaluated using calibration curves. In addition, the efficiency of the four models for prediction of risk of healthcare⁃seeking delay among imported malaria patients was evaluated using the area under curve (AUC) of receiver operating characteristic curve(ROC). The importance of each characteristic was quantified and attributed by using SHAP to examine the positive and negative effects of the value of each characteristic on the predictive efficiency. Results A total of 244 imported malaria patients were enrolled, including 100 cases (40.98%) with the duration from onset of first symptoms to time of initial diagnosis that exceeded 24 hours. Logistic regression analysis identified a history of malaria parasite infection [odds ratio (OR) = 3.075, 95% confidential interval (CI): (1.597, 5.923)], long incubation period [OR = 1.010, 95% CI: (1.001, 1.018)] and seeking healthcare in provincial or municipal medical facilities [OR = 12.550, 95% CI: (1.158, 135.963)] as risk factors for delay in seeking healthcare among imported malaria cases. BP neural network modeling showed that duration of residing abroad, incubation period and age posed great impacts on delay in healthcare⁃seek among imported malaria patients. Random forest modeling showed that the top five factors with the greatest impact on healthcare⁃seeking delay included main clinical manifestations, the way to go abroad, incubation period, duration of residing abroad and age among imported malaria patients, and Bayesian modeling revealed that the top five factors affecting healthcare⁃seeking delay among imported malaria patients included level of institutions at initial diagnosis, age, country of origin, history of malaria parasite infection and individuals travelling with imported malaria patients. ROC curve analysis showed higher overall performance of the BP neural network model and the logistic regression model for prediction of the risk of healthcare⁃seeking delay among imported malaria patients (Z = 2.700 to 4.641, all P values < 0.01), with no statistically significant difference in the AUC among four models (Z = 1.209, P > 0.05). The sensitivity (71.00%) and Youden index (43.92%) of the logistic regression model was higher than those of the BP neural network (63.00% and 36.61%, respectively), and the specificity of the BP neural network model (73.61%) was higher than that of the logistic regression model (72.92%). Conclusions Imported malaria cases with long duration of residing abroad, a history of malaria parasite infection, long incubation period, advanced age and seeking healthcare in provincial or municipal medical institutions have a high likelihood of delay in healthcare⁃seeking in Jiangsu Province. The models created based on the logistic regression and BP neural network show a high efficiency for prediction of the risk of healthcare⁃seeking among imported malaria patients in Jiangsu Province, which may provide insights into health management of imported malaria patients.
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    Microbiota structure and diversity in Aedes albopictus at different developmental stages
    ZHAO Yong⁃qiao, XIA Ao, ZHANG Mei⁃hua, LI Ju⁃lin, ZHU Guo⁃ding, TANG Jian⁃xia
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (5): 475-.  
    Abstract682)      PDF(pc) (1932KB)(738)       Save
    Objective To investigate the diversity and composition of microflora in laboratory⁃reared Aedes albopictus at different developmental stages and larval habitat waters. Methods The larval habitat waters and different developmental stages of laboratory⁃reared A. albopictus were collected, and the V3 and V4 regions of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene were sequenced using Illumina Miseq next⁃generation sequencing. The abundance and diversity of the microflora were examined using alpha diversity index in A. albopictus at different developmental stages, and the difference in the microflora compositions was compared in A. albopictus at different developmental stages using principal component analysis (PCA). In addition, the species composition and relative abundance of microflora in A. albopictus at different developmental stages were described using histograms and Venn diagrams. Results A total of 16 phyla, 30 classes, 72 orders, 129 families and 224 genera of bacteria were detected in larval habitat waters and different developmental stages of A. albopictus. The highest bacterial diversity was seen in larval A. albopictus, with Chao index of 125.20 ± 30.48 and Shannon diversity index of 2.04 ± 0.39, which were comparable to those (Chao index of 118.52 ± 15.07 and Shannon diversity index of 2.15 ± 0.30) in larval habitat waters (t = 0.35 and -0.41, both P values > 0.05). The bacterial abundance and evenness were significantly greater in female adults than in male adults (Chao index: 42.50 ± 3.54 vs. 18.50 ± 2.13, t = 8.23, P < 0.05; Shannon diversity index: 1.25 ± 1.67 vs. 0.50 ± 0.05, t = 6.00, P < 0.05). Proteobacteria, Bacteroidota, Actinobacteriota and Firmicutes were four common phyla of bacteria at each developmental stage of A. albopictus, with Proteobacteria dominated at the pupal stage (90.36%), Bacteroidota dominated at the adult stage (46.01% in female adults and 86.11% in male adults), and Actinobacteriota dominated at the larval stage (32.10%). Elizabethkingia and Rahnella1 were common dominant genera of bacteria at each developmental stage of A. albopictus, with Rahnella1 as the major component at the pupal stage (87.56%), Elizabethkingia as the main component at the adult stage (46.01% in female adults and 86.11% in male adults, respectively), and Microbacteria as the dominant bacterial genus at the larval stage (12.11%). In addition, Delftia, Elizabethkingia, Romboutsia, Serratia, Rahnella1, Enterococcus and Microbacterium were common genera of bacteria at each developmental stage of A. albopictus, with Edaphobaculum dominated at the larval stage (17.54%) and Sphingobacterium dominated in larval habitat waters (13.93%). Conclusions There are differences in the composition of symbiotic bacteria at different developmental stages of A. albopictus; however, similar microflora diversity is maintained at the phylum level. The microflora diversity is comparable in larvae and larval habitat waters of A. albopictus.
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    Distribution of mosquito species and associated viruses in Hami City of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from 2019 to 2020
    GAO Zhen⁃guo, WANG Dong, MAHE Mu⁃ti, CAO Zhi⁃xin, LIU Yan, Lina Turxunbayi, HUANG Rui⁃fang, MA Xin
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (4): 392-.  
    Abstract611)      PDF(pc) (1057KB)(720)       Save
    Objective To investigate the distribution of mosquito species and their associated viruses, and identify Culex pipiens subspecies in Hami City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Methods Mosquitoes were captured using mosquito trapping lamps method in Yizhou District, Yiwu County, and Balikun County of Hami City in mi⁃July, 2019 and 2020. The species and subspecies of all captured mosquitoes were characterized. In addition, the flavivirus, alphavirus, bunyavirus, Japanese encephalitis virus, Liaoning virus, Tahyna virus, tick⁃borne encephalitis virus and West Nile virus were detected using reverse⁃transcription PCR assay in captured mosquitoes. Results A total of 1 496 mosquitoes were captured from Yizhou District, Yiwu County, and Balikun County of Hami City, belonging to 3 genus and 3 species. Cx. pipiens was the dominant mosquito species (986 mosquitoes, 65.91%), followed by Aedes caspius (457 mosquitoes, 30.55%), while Culiseta alaskaensis had the lowest number (53 mosquitoes, 3.54%). All captured Cx. pipiens mosquitoes were identified as Cx. pipiens pipiens based on the terminalia of male mosquitoes. RT⁃PCR assay tested negative for flavivirus, alphavirus, bunyavirus, Japanese encephalitis virus, Liaoning virus, Tahyna virus, tick⁃borne encephalitis or West Nile virus in captured Cx. pipiens mosquitoes. Conclusions There were 3 species of mosquitoes in Hami City from 2019 to 2020, including Cx. pipiens, Ae. Caspius and C. alaskaensis, with Cx. pipiens as the dominant mosquito species, and all captured Cx. pipiens mosquitoes were Cx. pipiens pipiens; however, no arboviruses were detected.
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    Application of the CRISPR/Cas system in gene editing and nucleic acid detection of parasitic diseases: a review
    YAN Shuning, YANG Shuo, YANG Hanyin, XIN Yi, XU Bin, HU Wei, LU Yan, ZHENG Bin
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 314-320.  
    Abstract168)      PDF(pc) (900KB)(717)       Save
    CRISPR/Cas system, an adaptive immune system with clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, may interfere with exogenous nucleic acids and protect prokaryotes from external damages, is an effective gene editing and nucleic acid detection tools. The CRISPR/Cas system has been widely applied in virology and bacteriology; however, there is relatively less knowledge about the application of the CRISPR/Cas system in parasitic diseases. The review summarizes the mechanisms of action of the CRISPR/Cas system and provides a comprehensive overview of their application in gene editing and nucleic acid detection of parasitic diseases, so as to provide insights into future studies on parasitic diseases.
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    Application of integrated species distribution models in parasitic diseases prevention and control: a review
    LI Lu, WANG Qiang, XU Jing
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (6): 659-.  
    Abstract417)      PDF(pc) (1036KB)(714)       Save
    Species distribution model, a mathematical model theoretically based on the temporal and spatial locations of species in the ecosystem and their associations with other species, is useful to display the current species distribution and predict the future species distribution, which has been widely applied in ecology, biogeography and spatial transmission of infectious diseases. Integrated species distribution model is a comprehensive, summative and reliable combination model that simultaneously uses multiple species distribution models or integrates multiple data sources for modeling. This review describes the theory and classification of species distribution models, and summarizes the creation and verification of integrated species distribution models and their applications in parasitic disease prevention and control. During the practical applications of integrated species distribution models, the study scale, niche matching, big data utilization, combination of multidisciplinary methods and knowledge background and ecological implications should be emphasized.  
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    Progress of schistosomiasis control in People’s Republic of China in 2023
    ZHANG Lijuan, HE Junyi, YANG Fan, DANG Hui, LI Yinlong, GUO Suying, LI Shizhen, CAO Chunli, XU Jing, LI Shizhu
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 221-227.  
    Abstract690)      PDF(pc) (942KB)(708)       Save
    To understand the progress of national schistosomiasis elimination program of China in 2023 and summarize the lessons and experiences, data on the endemic status of schistosomiasis and national schistosomiasis surveillance results in the People’s Republic of China were collected and analyzed at a national level. By the end of 2023, Shanghai Municipality, Zhejiang Province, Fujian Province, Guangdong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region continued to consolidate the achievements of schistosomiasis elimination, and Sichuan and Jiangsu provinces maintained the criteria of transmission interruption, while Yunnan and Hubei provinces were identified to achieve the criteria of transmission interruption in 2020, and Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces achieved the criteria of transmission interruption in 2023. A total of 451 counties (cites, districts) were found to be endemic for schistosomiasis in China in 2023, including 26 250 endemic villages covering 73 034 500 residents at risk of infections. Among the 451 endemic counties (cities, districts), 78.49% (354/451) achieved the criteria of schistosomiasis elimination and 21.51% (97/451) achieved the criteria of transmission interruption, respectively. In 2023, a total of 4 216 643 individuals received immunological tests, with 47 794 sero⁃positives identified, and a total of 184 216 individuals received parasitological examinations, with 4 egg⁃positives detected. A total of 27 768 cases with advanced schistosomiasis were documented in China by the end of 2023. In 2023, 539 548 bovines were raised in schistosomiasis⁃endemic areas of China, and 125 440 bovines received immunological tests, with 124 sero⁃positives detected, while no egg⁃positives were identified among the 133 508 bovines receiving parasitological examinations. In 2023, snail survey was performed at an area of 641 339.53 hm2 and 184 819.77 hm2 snail habitats were identified, including 51.53 hm2 emerging snail habitats and 642.25 hm2 reemerging snail habitats. In 2023, there were 20 198 schistosomiasis patients receiving praziquantel chemotherapy, and 598 183 person⁃time individuals and 283 954 herd⁃time bovines were given expanded chemotherapy. In 2023, snail control with chemical treatment was performed in 116 347.95 hm2 snail habitats, and the actual area of chemical treatment was 65 690.89 hm2, while environmental improvements were performed in snail habitats covering an area of 1 334.62 hm2. The national schistosomiasis surveillance results showed that the mean prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum infections were both zero among humans and bovines in 2023, and no S. japonicum infection was detected in snails. These data demonstrated that transmission interruption of schistosomiasis had been achieved across all endemic provinces in China in 2023, and the endemic status of schistosomiasis tended to be stable, while advanced cases were predominant among all schistosomiasis cases. However, the areas of snail habitats remained high and cattle re⁃raising was very common in some regions. Intensified schistosomiasis surveillance and forecast and snail control in high⁃risk areas are needed.
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    Progress of researches on medical big data analytics technology
    DU Zhi⁃cheng, ZHANG Zhi⁃jie, JIANG Qing⁃wu
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2022, 34 (5): 465-.  
    Abstract593)      PDF(pc) (1013KB)(688)       Save
    The use of the big data analytics technology to collect, summarize and analyze medical big data is effective to precisely mine and explore the underlying information, which greatly facilitates medical science research and clinical practices. Currently, the medical big data analytics technology mainly includes artificial intelligence, databases and programming languages, which have been widely employed in medical imaging, disease risk prediction, disease control, healthcare management, follow⁃up, and drug and therapy development. This review summarizes the currently available medical big data analytics technologies and their applications, with aims to facilitate the related studies.
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