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    Progress of schistosomiasis control in People’s Republic of China in 2023
    ZHANG Lijuan, HE Junyi, YANG Fan, DANG Hui, LI Yinlong, GUO Suying, LI Shizhen, CAO Chunli, XU Jing, LI Shizhu
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 221-227.  
    Abstract690)      PDF(pc) (942KB)(708)       Save
    To understand the progress of national schistosomiasis elimination program of China in 2023 and summarize the lessons and experiences, data on the endemic status of schistosomiasis and national schistosomiasis surveillance results in the People’s Republic of China were collected and analyzed at a national level. By the end of 2023, Shanghai Municipality, Zhejiang Province, Fujian Province, Guangdong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region continued to consolidate the achievements of schistosomiasis elimination, and Sichuan and Jiangsu provinces maintained the criteria of transmission interruption, while Yunnan and Hubei provinces were identified to achieve the criteria of transmission interruption in 2020, and Anhui, Jiangxi and Hunan provinces achieved the criteria of transmission interruption in 2023. A total of 451 counties (cites, districts) were found to be endemic for schistosomiasis in China in 2023, including 26 250 endemic villages covering 73 034 500 residents at risk of infections. Among the 451 endemic counties (cities, districts), 78.49% (354/451) achieved the criteria of schistosomiasis elimination and 21.51% (97/451) achieved the criteria of transmission interruption, respectively. In 2023, a total of 4 216 643 individuals received immunological tests, with 47 794 sero⁃positives identified, and a total of 184 216 individuals received parasitological examinations, with 4 egg⁃positives detected. A total of 27 768 cases with advanced schistosomiasis were documented in China by the end of 2023. In 2023, 539 548 bovines were raised in schistosomiasis⁃endemic areas of China, and 125 440 bovines received immunological tests, with 124 sero⁃positives detected, while no egg⁃positives were identified among the 133 508 bovines receiving parasitological examinations. In 2023, snail survey was performed at an area of 641 339.53 hm2 and 184 819.77 hm2 snail habitats were identified, including 51.53 hm2 emerging snail habitats and 642.25 hm2 reemerging snail habitats. In 2023, there were 20 198 schistosomiasis patients receiving praziquantel chemotherapy, and 598 183 person⁃time individuals and 283 954 herd⁃time bovines were given expanded chemotherapy. In 2023, snail control with chemical treatment was performed in 116 347.95 hm2 snail habitats, and the actual area of chemical treatment was 65 690.89 hm2, while environmental improvements were performed in snail habitats covering an area of 1 334.62 hm2. The national schistosomiasis surveillance results showed that the mean prevalence of Schistosoma japonicum infections were both zero among humans and bovines in 2023, and no S. japonicum infection was detected in snails. These data demonstrated that transmission interruption of schistosomiasis had been achieved across all endemic provinces in China in 2023, and the endemic status of schistosomiasis tended to be stable, while advanced cases were predominant among all schistosomiasis cases. However, the areas of snail habitats remained high and cattle re⁃raising was very common in some regions. Intensified schistosomiasis surveillance and forecast and snail control in high⁃risk areas are needed.
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    Optimization of the control strategy and research priorities to combat the resurgence of visceral leishmaniasis in China
    ZHOU Xiaonong, LI Shizhu, CHEN Junhu, ZHANG Yi
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (4): 329-333.  
    Abstract191)      PDF(pc) (516KB)(331)       Save
    Leishmaniasis is a zoonotic parasitic disease caused by Leishmania infection and transmitted by sandflies. There are three main forms of leishmaniasis, including cutaneous leishmaniasis, visceral leishmaniasis and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. China is mainly endemic for visceral leishmaniasis, which is a class C notifiable infectious disease in the country. Following concerted efforts, the transmission of visceral leishmaniasis had been controlled in most endemic foci of China by the end of 1958, with a few cases reported in western China. Due to global climate changes and population mobility, resurgence of visceral leishmaniasis has recently occurred in historical endemic areas of central and western China, which is characterized by gradual expansion of endemic areas and remarkable rebounding epidemics. Hereby, we summarize the national and global epidemiology and control strategy of visceral leishmaniasis, propose 8 key research areas and 12 key research topics for visceral leishmaniasis control, and recommend the establishment of the joint prevention and control mechanism of "human⁃animals⁃vectors" and the working mechanism of animal prevention for human diseases based on the One Health approach, so as to combat the resurgence of visceral leishmaniasis in China.
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    Application of drones in Oncomelania hupensis snail control with molluscicides
    HUANG Yixin
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (5): 439-440,449.  
    Abstract191)      PDF(pc) (1007KB)(336)       Save
    Oncomelania hupensis snail control by chemical treatment is an important approach for control and elimination of snails, and an appropriate apparatus for spraying chemicals is an important support to molluscicidal effects. Nevertheless, the research and evaluation of molluscicidal apparatuses have not been paid high attention in the schistosomiasis control programme for a long period of time. Currently, agricultural plant⁃protective apparatuses have been widely used for chemical treatment. This comment provides a short overview of the application of drones in O. hupensis snail control by chemical treatment, and proposes suggestions for solving the problems of use of drones in O. hupensis snail control by chemical treatment in China.
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    While the priest climbs a post, the devil climbs ten: major biological threats from parasite and vector to malaria control and elimination
    YU Xinyu, CAO Jun
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 228-232,238.  
    Abstract190)      PDF(pc) (1180KB)(236)       Save
    Malaria is one of the most serious mosquito⁃borne infectious diseases in the world. The global malaria control progress has stalled in recent years, which is largely due to the biological threats from the malaria pathogen Plasmodium and the vector Anopheles mosquitoes. This article provides an overview of biological threats to global malaria elimination, including antimalarial drug resistance, deletions in the malaria rapid diagnostic test target P. falciparum histidine⁃rich protein 2/3 (Pfhrp2/3) genes, vector insecticide resistance and emergence of invasive vector species, so as to provide insights into malaria and vector research and the formulation and adjustment of the malaria control and elimination strategy.
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    Molecular tracing of Biomphalaria straminea in China
    DUAN Lei, QU Lei, GUO Yunhai, GU Wenbiao, LÜ Shan, ZHANG Yi, ZHOU Xiaonong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 272-278,285.  
    Abstract178)      PDF(pc) (2139KB)(198)       Save
    Objective To investigate the origin of Biomphalaria straminea in China, so as to provide insights into assessment of schistosomiasis mansoni transmission risk and B. straminea control. Methods Guanlan River, Dasha River, Shenzhen Reservoir, upper and lower reaches of Kuiyong River, and Xinzhen River in Shenzhen, China, were selected as sampling sites. Ten Biomphalaria samples were collected from each site, and genomic DNA was extracted from Biomphalaria samples. DNA samples were obtained from 15 B. straminea sampled from 5 sampling sites in Minas Gerais State, Pará State, Federal District, Pernambuco State, and Sao Paulo State in Brazil, South America. Cytochrome c oxidaseⅠ(COI) and mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) genes were sampled using the above DNA templates, and the amplified products were sequenced. The COI and 16S rRNA gene sequences were downloaded from GenBank, and the sampling sites were acquired. All COI and 16S rRNA gene sequences were aligned and evolutionary trees of B. straminea were created based on COI and 16S rRNA gene sequences to identify the genetic similarity and evolutionary relationship between B. straminea samples from China and South America. Results A total of 60 COI gene sequences with a length of 529 bp and 3 haplotypes were obtained from B. straminea sampled from China. There were 165 COI gene sequences of B. straminea retrieved from GenBank, and following alignment with the above 60 gene sequences, a total of 33 haplotypes were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the three haplotypes of B. straminea from China were clustered into one clade, among which the haplotype China11 and three B. straminea samples from Brazil retrieved from GenBank belonged to the same haplotype. Geographical evolution analysis showed that the B. straminea samples from three sampling sites along eastern coasts of Brazil had the same haplotype with China11, and B. straminea samples from other two sampling sites were closely, genetically related to China11. A total of 60 16S rDNA gene sequences with approximately 322 bp in length were amplified from B. straminea in China, with 2 haplotypes identified. A total of 70 16S rDNA gene sequences of B. straminea were captured from GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Biomphalaria snails collected from China were clustered into a clade, and the haplotype China64 and the haplotype 229BS from Brazil shared the same haplotype. The 49 16S rDNA gene sequences of B. straminea from 25 sampling sites in southern Brazil, which were captured from GenBank, were included in the present analysis, and the B. straminea from 3 sampling sites shared the same haplotype with China64 in China. Geographical evolution analysis based on COI and 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that B. straminea sampled from eastern coastal areas of Brazil shared the same haplotypes in two gene fragment sequences with Biomphalaria snails collected from China. Conclusions The Biomphalaria snails in China are characterized as B. straminea, which have a low genetic diversity. The Biomphalaria snails in China have a high genetic similarity with B. straminea sampled from eastern coastal areas of Brazil, which may have originated from the eastern coastal areas of Brazil.
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    Prevalence of Enterobius vermicularis infections among children in China from 2016 to 2021: a meta⁃analysis
    LI Xuecheng, MAO Fanzhen, WANG Yi, LIU Yaobao, CAO Jun
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (2): 116-129.  
    Abstract173)      PDF(pc) (2403KB)(515)       Save
    Objective To investigate the prevalence of Enterobius vermicularis infections among children in China from 2016 to 2021, so as to provide insights into enterobiasis control and formulation of the enterobiasis control strategy among children. Methods Publications pertaining to the prevalence of E. vermicularis infections among children were retrieved from Wanfang Data, CNKI, VIP and PubMed databases published from January 2016 to June 2023. Eligible publications were screened according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the publication bias was evaluated using the assessment tool for prevalence studies proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence⁃Based Practice Resources in Australia. The study period, study areas, study subjects, sample size and number of infections were extracted from publications, and a pooled analysis was performed using a meta⁃analysis. A meta⁃regression analysis was performed with the prevalence of E. vermicularis infections as an independent variable, and sample size, source of samples, study area, study method, geographical area and province as dependent variables to identify the source of the study heterogeneity. Results A total of 66 studies were included, covering 23 provinces (municipalities, autonomous regions) in China, and with the investigations conducted between 2016 and 2021. Meta⁃analysis showed that the pooled prevalence of E. vermicularis infections was 4.5%[95% confidence interval (CI): (3.1%, 6.0%)] among children in China from 2016 to 2021, and the annual prevalence was 4.1%[95% CI: (2.2%, 6.5%)], 4.2%[95% CI: (2.4%, 6.6%)], 4.2%[95% CI: (2.2%, 6.8%)], 3.2%[95% CI: (1.5%, 5.4%)], 2.3%[95% CI: (0.9%, 4.3%)] and 1.1%[95% CI: (0.4%, 2.1%)] from 2016 to 2021. The pooled prevalence of E. vermicularis infections was 4.9%[95% CI: (3.4%, 6.8%)] in studies with a sample size of < 5 000 cases, which was higher than that in studies with a sample size of 5 000 cases and higher [2.1%, 95% CI: (0.2%, 3.6%)], and the pooled prevalence of E. vermicularis infections was 5.2%[95% CI: (2.9%, 8.2%)] among subjects from schools, which was higher than that among subjects from communities [4.2%, 95% CI: (2.7%, 6.0%)]. The pooled prevalence of E. vermicularis infections was 4.4%[95% CI: (2.8%, 6.2%)] among children included in comprehensive surveillance, which was higher than that among children included in specific surveillance [4.8%, 95% CI: (2.6%, 7.7%)], and the pooled prevalence of E. vermicularis infections was 5.7%[95% CI: ( 3.8%, 7.8%)] among children included in county⁃level surveys, which was higher than that among children included in city⁃ [4.8%, 95% CI: (2.3%, 8.0%)] and province⁃level surveys [1.8%, 95% CI: (0.3%, 4.7%)]. In addition, the pooled prevalence of E. vermicularis infections was higher among children in southern China [11.3%, 95% CI: (7.5%, 15.7%)] than that in central China [5.2%, 95% CI: (2.8%, 8.2%)], eastern China [5.2%, 95% CI: (2.8%, 8.2%)] and southwestern China [2.6%, 95% CI: (1.4%, 4.1%)]. Meta⁃regression analysis identified geographical area and survey province as factors affecting the study heterogeneity. Conclusions Currently, the overall prevalence of E. vermicularis infections is moderate among children in China, and the prevalence varies greatly in regions, with a high prevalence rate in southern China and presence of small⁃scale clusters. Enterobiasis surveillance and health education pertaining to enterobiasis control are required with adaptations to local circumstance to reduce the prevalence of E. vermicularis infections among children.
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    Biological threats to global malaria eliminationⅠAntimalarial drug resistance
    LU Feng
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 233-238.  
    Abstract171)      PDF(pc) (1470KB)(301)       Save
    Malaria is an infectious disease that seriously threatens human health. Currently, malaria control mainly depends on antimalarial chemotherapy. However, antimalarial drug resistance is becoming increasingly severe, which poses a great challenge to malaria control, notably treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria. To address this challenge, there is a need to facilitate development of novel antimalarial drugs and innovation of treatment strategies, as well as reinforce surveillance and research on antimalarial drug resistance. This article reviews the main categories and use guidelines of current antimalarial agents, summarizes the current status and monitoring methods of antimalarial drug resistance, and proposes the response to antimalarial drug resistance, so as to provide insights into the use of antimalarial drugs and response to antimalarial drug resistance, and contribute to global malaria elimination.
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    Application of the CRISPR/Cas system in gene editing and nucleic acid detection of parasitic diseases: a review
    YAN Shuning, YANG Shuo, YANG Hanyin, XIN Yi, XU Bin, HU Wei, LU Yan, ZHENG Bin
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 314-320.  
    Abstract168)      PDF(pc) (900KB)(717)       Save
    CRISPR/Cas system, an adaptive immune system with clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, may interfere with exogenous nucleic acids and protect prokaryotes from external damages, is an effective gene editing and nucleic acid detection tools. The CRISPR/Cas system has been widely applied in virology and bacteriology; however, there is relatively less knowledge about the application of the CRISPR/Cas system in parasitic diseases. The review summarizes the mechanisms of action of the CRISPR/Cas system and provides a comprehensive overview of their application in gene editing and nucleic acid detection of parasitic diseases, so as to provide insights into future studies on parasitic diseases.
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    Epidemiological characteristics of leptospirosis in China from 2010 to 2022
    SHI Yue, GENG Mengjie, ZHOU Sheng, CHEN Xi, SUN Junling, TIAN Xueying, XU Hong, LI Yu, ZHENG Canjun
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (2): 130-136.  
    Abstract168)      PDF(pc) (1650KB)(388)       Save
    Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of leptospirosis in China from 2010 to 2022, so as to provide insights into formulation of the leptospirosis control strategy. Methods All data pertaining to clinically diagnosed cases and confirmed cases of leptospirosis reported in China from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2022 was collected from Chinese Disease Prevention and Control Information Management System. The spatial, temporal and population distributions, and report and diagnosis institutions of leptospirosis cases were analyzed using a descriptive epidemiological method. Results A total of 4 559 leptospirosis cases were reported in China from 2010 to 2022, with an annual average number of 351 cases, and the number of reported leptospirosis cases reduced from 679 cases in 2010 to 158 cases in 2018. A total of 4 276 leptospirosis cases were reported in Sichuan Province, Yunnan Province, Guangdong Province, Hunan Province, Fujian Province, Zhejiang Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Anhui Province, Jiangxi Province and Guizhou Province, accounting for 93.79% of the total number of leptospirosis cases in China. The number of leptospirosis cases had recently appeared a remarkable decline in Yunnan Province, while a significant rise was seen in the number of leptospirosis cases in two provinces of Zhejiang and Guangdong. No leptospirosis cases were reported in Henan Province from 2010 to 2020l; however, there were 5 cases and 2 cases reported in 2021 and 2022, respectively. There was only one leptospirosis case reported in Shaanxi Province from 2010 to 2017; however, leptospirosis cases were reported in the province for 5 consecutive years since 2018. Leptospirosis cases were reported throughout the year in China from 2010 to 2022, with the peak of incidence found during the period between August and October, and the peak of leptospirosis incidence varied in provinces. A higher number of leptospirosis cases was seen among men than among women, with a male to female ratio of 2.3∶1, and the median age of leptospirosis cases was 50 years (interquartile range, 23 years), with the highest proportion of leptospirosis cases reported at ages of 51 to 60 years (23.21%). Among all reported leptospirosis cases, 53.28% were confirmed cases, and the proportion of confirmed cases increased from 35.05% in 2010 to 61.66% in 2022. In addition, there were 67.22% of leptospirosis cases (2 937 cases) reported by comprehensive hospitals, 20.44% (893 cases) by disease control and prevention institutions, 7.23% (316 cases) by grassroots healthcare institutions and 5.10% (223 cases) by other healthcare and medical institutions, and the mortality of reported leptospirosis cases was 1.07% in China from 2010 to 2022, with a higher mortality seen among men than among women (1.39% vs. 0.36%; [χ2] = 9.52, P = 0.002). Conclusions The incidence of leptospirosis remained at a low level in China from 2010 to 2022, and southern China was still the main endemic area for leptospirosis. The epidemiological characteristics of leptospirosis cases varied in endemic provinces, and leptospirosis cases had been continued to be reported in Shaanxi and Henan provinces, which should be paid much attention to. Intensified surveillance of leptospirosis, improved diagnosis and treatment capability of leptospirosis cases and leptospirosis control with adaptations to local circumstance are recommended.
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    Development of a grading diagnostic model for schistosomiasis⁃induced liver fibrosis based on radiomics and clinical laboratory indicators
    GUO Zhaoyu, SHAO Juping, ZOU Xiaoqing, ZHAO Qinping, QIAN Peijun, WANG Wenya, HUANG Lulu, XUE Jingbo, XU Jing, YANG Kun, ZHOU Xiaonong, LI Shizhu
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 251-258.  
    Abstract167)      PDF(pc) (2542KB)(198)       Save
    Objective To investigate the feasibility of developing a grading diagnostic model for schistosomiasis⁃induced liver fibrosis based on B⁃mode ultrasonographic images and clinical laboratory indicators. Methods Ultrasound images and clinical laboratory testing data were captured from schistosomiasis patients admitted to the Second People’s Hospital of Duchang County, Jiangxi Province from 2018 to 2022. Patients with grade Ⅰ schistosomiasis⁃induced liver fibrosis were enrolled in Group 1, and patients with grade Ⅱ and Ⅲ schistosomiasis⁃induced liver fibrosis were enrolled in Group 2. The machine learning binary classification tasks were created based on patients’ radiomics and clinical laboratory data from 2018 to 2021 as the training set, and patients’ radiomics and clinical laboratory data in 2022 as the validation set. The features of ultrasonographic images were labeled with the ITK⁃SNAP software, and the features of ultrasonographic images were extracted using the Python 3.7 package and PyRadiomics toolkit. The difference in the features of ultrasonographic images was compared between groups with t test or Mann⁃Whitney U test, and the key imaging features were selected with the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) regression algorithm. Four machine learning models were created using the Scikit⁃learn repository, including the support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), linear regression (LR) and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost). The optimal machine learning model was screened with the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC), and features with the greatest contributions to the differentiation features of ultrasound images in machine learning models with the SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) method. Results The ultrasonographic imaging data and clinical laboratory testing data from 491 schistosomiasis patients from 2019 to 2022 were included in the study, and a total of 851 radiomics features and 54 clinical laboratory indicators were captured. Following statistical tests (t = -5.98 to 4.80, U = 6 550 to 20 994, all P values < 0.05) and screening of key features with LASSO regression, 44 features or indicators were included for the subsequent modeling. The areas under ROC curve (AUCs) were 0.763 and 0.611 for the training and validation sets of the SVM model based on clinical laboratory indicators, 0.951 and 0.892 for the training and validation sets of the SVM model based on radiomics, and 0.960 and 0.913 for the training and validation sets of the multimodal SVM model. The 10 greatest contributing features or indicators in machine learning models included 2 clinical laboratory indicators and 8 radiomics features. Conclusions The multimodal machine learning models created based on ultrasound⁃based radiomics and clinical laboratory indicators are feasible for intelligent identification of schistosomiasis⁃induced liver fibrosis, and are effective to improve the classification effect of one⁃class data models.  
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    How do female mosquitoes determine the most suitable males for mating?
    LI Yitong, LI Dong, LIU Xiaofei, WANG Ying, LIU Tingting, XU Yanqiu, DENG Shengqun
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 321-328.  
    Abstract163)      PDF(pc) (1001KB)(218)       Save
    More than 80% of the world’s populations are at risk of vector⁃borne diseases, with mosquito⁃borne diseases as a significant global public health problem. Mosquito populations control is critical to interrupting the transmission of mosquito⁃borne diseases. This review summarizes the physical attributes, smell, vision, touch, and hearing of mosquitoes to unravel the preferences of female mosquitoes, and describes the mechanisms underlying the best male mating by female mosquitoes, so as to provide new insights into management of mosquito⁃borne diseases.
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    Auxiliary diagnostic value of T cells spot test of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection for pulmonary and extra⁃pulmonary tuberculosis among the elderly
    HUANG Rui, LI Shuai, WANG Changmin
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 310-313.  
    Abstract156)      PDF(pc) (975KB)(212)       Save
    Objective To evaluate the auxiliary diagnostic value of T cells spot test of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (T⁃SPOT.TB) for pulmonary and extra⁃pulmonary tuberculosis among the elderly. Methods A total of 173 elderly patients at ages of 60 years and older and with suspected tuberculosis that were admitted to People’s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region during the period from October 2022 through February 2024 were enrolled, and all patients underwent T⁃SPOT.TB, acid fast staining and GeneXpert MTB/RIF tests. The etiological tests of MTB served as a gold standard, and the diagnostic values of T⁃SPOT.TB, acid fast staining and GeneXpert MTB/RIF tests for pulmonary and extra⁃pulmonary tuberculosis were compared among the elderly patients. Results Of the 173 elderly patients suspected of tuberculosis, there were 44 patients definitely diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis, 30 cases with extra⁃pulmonary tuberculosis, and 99 cases without tuberculosis. The sensitivities of T⁃SPOT.TB, acid fast staining and GeneXpert MTB/RIF tests were 86.5%, 27.0% and 54.1% for diagnosis of tuberculosis. The sensitivities of T⁃SPOT.TB were 86.4% and 86.7% for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and extra⁃pulmonary tuberculosis, with an 80.8% specificity for diagnosis of tuberculosis. The sensitivities of GeneXpert MTB/RIF were 56.8% and 50.0% for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and extra⁃pulmonary tuberculosis, with a 100.0% specificity each, and the sensitivities of acid fast staining were 31.8% and 20.0% for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and extra⁃pulmonary tuberculosis, with a 100.0% specificity each. In addition, the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve were 0.836, 0.635 and 0.770 for diagnosis of tuberculosis with T⁃SPOT.TB, acid fast staining and GeneXpert MTB/RIF tests among the elderly patients, respectively. Conclusion T⁃SPOT.TB has a high auxiliary diagnostic value for both pulmonary and extra⁃pulmonary tuberculosis among elderly patients.
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    Biological threats to global malaria eliminationⅡ Deletion in the malaria rapid diagnostic test target Plasmodium falciparum histidine⁃rich protein 2/3 genes
    XU Sui, TANG Jianxia
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 239-242,258.  
    Abstract156)      PDF(pc) (1614KB)(342)       Save
    The global malaria epidemic is still severe. Because of simple procedures, rapid detection and accuracy results, rapid diagnostic test (RDT) has become the most important and the most widely used diagnostic tool for malaria prevention and control. However, deletions in the RDT target Plasmodium falciparum histidine⁃rich protein 2/3 (Pfhrp2/3) genes may cause false⁃negative results of RDT, which has been included as one of the four biological threats to global malaria elimination. This article reviews the applications of RDT in the global malaria diagnosis, analyzes the threats and challenges caused by Pfhrp2/3 gene deletion, proposes methods for monitoring Pfhrp2/3 gene deletion, and summarizes the causes and countermeasures of negative RDT detections, so as to provide insights into consolidation of malaria elimination achievements in China and contributions to global malaria elimination.
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    Preliminary observation on the development and dynamic changes of chronic toxoplasmosis in mice
    ZHOU Guoqing, BAI Shaoyuan, LI Yuyuan, ZHU Guoding, HUANG Siyang
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 304-309.  
    Abstract154)      PDF(pc) (1274KB)(137)       Save
    Objective To investigate the development and dynamic changes of cysts in the brain of mice following infection with different forms of Toxoplasma gondii, so as to provide insights into for toxoplasmosis prevention and control. Methods ICR mice at ages of 6 to 8 weeks, each weighing 20 to 25 g, were intraperitoneally injected with tachyzoites of the T. gondii PRU strain at a dose of 1 × 105 tachyzoites per mouse, orally administered with cysts at a dose of 20 oocysts per mouse or oocysts at a dose of 200 oocysts per mouse for modeling chronic T. gondii infection in mice, and the clinical symptoms and survival of mice were observed post⁃infection. Mice were orally infected with T. gondii cysts at doses of 10 (low⁃dose group), 20 (medium⁃dose group), 40 cysts per mouse (high⁃dose group), and the effect of different doses of T. gondii infections on the number of cysts was examined in the mouse brain. Mice were orally administered with T. gondii cysts at a dose of 20 cysts per mouse, and grouped according to gender (female and male) and time points of infections (20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 days post⁃infection), and the effects of gender and time points of infections on the number of cysts was examined in the mouse brain. In addition, mice were divided into the tachyzoite group (Group T), the first⁃generation cyst group (Group C1), the second⁃generation cyst group (Group C2), the third⁃generation cyst (Group C3) and the fourth⁃generation cyst group (Group C4). Mice in the Group T were intraperitoneally injected with T. gondii tachyzoites at a dose of 1 × 105 tachyzoites per mouse, and the cysts were collected from the mouse brain tissues 30 days post⁃infection, while mice in the Group C1 were orally infected with the collected cysts at a dose of 30 cysts per mouse. Continuous passage was performed by oral administration with cysts produced by the previous generation in mice, and the effect of continuous passage on the number of cysts was examined in the mouse brain. Results Following infection with T. gondii tachyzoites, cysts and oocysts in mice, obvious clinical symptoms were observed on days 6 to 113 and mice frequently died on days 7 to 12. The survival rates of mice were 67.0%, 87.0% and 53.0%, and the mean numbers of cysts were (516.0 ± 257.2), (1 203.0 ± 502.0) and (581.0 ± 183.1) in the mouse brain (F = 11.94, P < 0.01) on day 30 post⁃infection with T. gondii tachyzoites, cysts and oocysts, respectively, and the numbers of cysts in the brain tissues were significantly lower in mice infected with T. gondii tachyzoites and oocysts than in those infected with cysts (all P values < 0.01). The survival rates of mice were 87.0%, 87.0% and 60.0%, and the mean numbers of cysts were (953.0 ± 355.5), (1 084.0 ± 474.3) and (1 113.0 ± 546.0) in the mouse brain in the low⁃, medium⁃ and high⁃dose groups on day 30 post⁃infection, respectively (F = 0.42, P > 0.05). The survival rates of male and female mice were 73.0% and 80.0%, and the mean numbers of cysts were (946.4 ± 411.4) and (932.1 ± 322.4) in the brain tissues of male and female mice, respectively (F = 1.63, P > 0.05). Following continuous passage, the mean numbers of cysts were (516.0 ± 257.2), (1 203.0 ± 502.0), (896.8 ± 332.3), (782.5 ± 423.9) and (829.2 ± 306.0) in the brain tissues of mice in the T, C1, C2, C3 and C4 groups, respectively (F = 4.82, P < 0.01), and the number of cysts was higher in the mouse brain in Group 1 than in Group T (P < 0.01). Following oral administration of 20 T. gondii cysts in mice, cysts were found in the moues brain for the first time on day 20 post⁃infection, and the number of cysts gradually increased over time, peaked on days 30 and 90 post⁃infection and then gradually decreased; however, the cysts were still found in the mouse brain on day 180 post⁃infection. Conclusions There is a higher possibility of developing chronic T. gondii infection in mice following infection with cysts than with oocysts or tachyzoites and the most severe chronic infection is seen following infection with cysts. The number of cysts does not correlate with the severity of chronic T. gondii infection, and the number of cysts peaks in the mouse brain on days 30 and 90 post⁃infection.
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    Molluscicidal effect and costs of spraying pyriclobenzuron with drones against Pomacea canaliculata
    ZHAO Xiaolin, CHEN Ying, HU Yanyue, XU Yanggeng, WANG Youqi, LÜ Dan, WAN Chuanxu, SUN Yang, DUAN Liping, WANG Weisi, HUANG Shuijin
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (5): 441-449.  
    Abstract154)      PDF(pc) (2459KB)(290)       Save
    Objective To evaluate the molluscicidal effects and costs of spraying 20% suspension concentrate of pyriclobenzuron sulphate (SCPS) with drones against Pomacea canaliculata in paddy environments, so as to provide insights into the extensive applications of pyriclobenzuron against P. canaliculata. Methods On July 2022, a paddy field was selected from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province as the study area, and 72 independent rectangular plots measuring 2 m × 1 m were allocated in the study area, with 1 m interval between each plot, and 20 P. canaliculata snails gently placed in each plot. The activity of 25% wettable powder of pyriclobenzuron sulphate (WPPS) by manual spraying at doses of 0.50, 1.00, 2.00 g/m2 and 4.00 g/m2 against P. canaliculata was tested in 54 plots, and manual spraying of 50% wettable powder of niclosamide ethanolamine salt (WPNES) at a dose of 0.10 g/m2 served as a chemical control, while manual spraying of the same volume of clean water served as a blank control, with 9 plots in each group. The activity of SCPS against P. canaliculata was tested in the remaining 18 plots. Based on the molluscicidal tests of WPPS, the molluscicidal effect of SCPS by manual spraying at doses of 0.20, 0.30, 0.40 g/m2 and 0.50 g/m2 against P. canaliculata was evaluated, and manual spraying of WPNES at a dose of 0.10 g/m2 served as a chemical control, while manual spraying of the same volume of clean water served as a blank control, with three plots in each group. On July 2023, 14 paddy fields with a mean living P. canaliculata density of > 5 snails/m2 were selected from Yujiang District, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province for molluscicidal tests. Based on the molluscicidal effect of pyriclobenzuron against P. canaliculata in plots, the molluscicidal effects of WPPS by manual spraying at doses of 0.25, 0.50 g/m2 and 1.00 g/m2 and manual applications of WPPS at dose of 0.25, 0.50, 1.00 g/m2 and 2.00 g/m2 mixed with soil were tested, and manual spraying of 0.10 g/m2 WPNES served as a chemical control group, while manual spraying of the same volume of clean water served as a blank control, with one paddy field in each group. Based on the effect of pyriclobenzuron against P. canaliculata in plots, the activity of SCPS sprayed with drones at doses of 0.25 g/m2 and 0.50 g/m2 mixed in water at 2 kg/667 m2 and 4 kg/667 m2 was tested against P. canaliculata, and spraying of the same volume of clean water with drones served as a blank control. All P. canaliculata snails were captured 3 days and 7 days following chemical treatment in plots and paddy fields and identified for survival, and the mortality and corrected mortality of P. canaliculata snails were estimated. In addition, the areas of chemical treatment, amount of molluscicide use and labor costs of chemical treatment were estimated in molluscicidal tests in paddy fields, and the costs of chemical treatment for an area covering 667 m2 by drones and manual applications were calculated. Results The mortality of P. canaliculata snails was all 100% in plots 3 days and 7 days following spraying WPPS at doses of 0.50, 1.00, 2.00 g/m2 and 4.00 g/m2, and the mortality rates of P. canaliculata snails were 66.67% to 100.00% 3 days post⁃treatment with SCPS at various doses ([χ2] = 277.897, P < 0.05) and 76.67% to 100.00% 7 days post⁃treatment ([χ2] = 274.206, P < 0.05). The mortality rates of P. canaliculata snails were 98.19% to 100.00% 3 days post⁃treatment with WPPS at various doses in paddy fields. There was a significant difference in the mortality of P. canaliculata snails among WPPS treatment groups and controls ([χ2] = 270.778, P < 0.05), and there were no significant differences between WPPS treatment groups and the chemical control group (all P values > 0.05), while there were significant differences in the mortality of P. canaliculata snails between WPPS treatment groups and the blank control group (all P values < 0.05). The mortality rates of P. canaliculata snails were 89.83% to 95.31% 3 days post⁃treatment with SCPS at various doses sprayed with drones, and there was a significant difference in the mortality of P. canaliculata snails among SCPS treatment groups and the blank control group ([χ2] = 1 132.892, P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in the mortality of P. canaliculata snails among SCPS treatment groups or water mixture groups (all P values > 0.05), and there were significant differences in the mortality of P. canaliculata snails between SCPS treatment groups and the blank control group (all P values < 0.05). The mortality rates of P. canaliculata snails were 94.62% to 100.00% 7 days post⁃treatment with SCPS at various doses sprayed with drones, and there was a significant difference in the mortality of P. canaliculata snails among SCPS treatment groups and the blank control group ([χ2] = 1 266.932, P < 0.05), with the highest mortality found following spraying 0.50 g/m2 SCPS mixed in 2 kg/667 m2 water with drones (P < 0.05). The costs of P. canaliculata snail control by drones and manually were 35.85 Yuan/667 m2 and 43.33 Yuan/667 m2; however, the snail control efficiency was 6.67 times higher by drones than by manual applications. Conclusions SCPS sprayed with drones is highly active against P. canaliculata snails in paddy fields. SCPS sprayed with drones is highly efficient and low in cost for P. canaliculata snail control in paddy fields, beaches and river courses.
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    Risk factors of visceral leishmaniasis in the world: a review
    CHEN Xi, SHI Yue, ZHOU Sheng, GENG Mengjie, TU Hong, SONG Jiandong, ZHENG Canjun, SUN Junling
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (4): 412-421,427.  
    Abstract150)      PDF(pc) (1023KB)(333)       Save
    Visceral leishmaniasis is a zoonotic parasitic disease caused by viscerotropic Leishmania species and transmitted by bites of infected phlebotomine sandflies, which is predominantly prevalent in the Indian subcontinent, eastern Africa and South America. Currently, visceral leishmaniasis is the second most fatal parasitic disease in the world. Because of climate changes, urban development and individual conditions, there are changes in the density of visceral leishmaniasis vector sandflies and the likelihood of contact with humans, resulting in a visceral leishmaniasis transmission risk. The review summarizes natural, social and biological factors affecting the transmission of visceral leishmaniasis, so as to provide insights into formulation of targeted control measures for visceral leishmaniasis.
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    Construction and application of a risk index of Echinococcus infection based on the classification of echinococcosis lesions
    XUE Chuizhao, ZHENG Canjun, KUI Yan, SHI Yue, WANG Xu, LIU Baixue, WU Weiping, HAN Shuai
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 259-271.  
    Abstract149)      PDF(pc) (1378KB)(164)       Save
    Objective To investigate the feasibility of constructing the risk index of Echinococcus infection based on the classification of echinococcosis lesions, so as to provide insights into the management of echinococcosis. Methods The imaging data of echinococcosis cases were collected from epidemiological surveys of echinococcosis in China from 2012 to 2016, and the detection of incident echinococcosis cases was captured from the annual echinococcosis prevention and control reports across provinces (autonomous regions) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in China from 2017 to 2022. After echinococcosis lesions were classified, a risk index of Echinococcus infection was constructed based on the principle of discrete distribution marginal probability and multi⁃group classification data tests. The correlation between the risk index of Echinococcus infection and the detection of incident echinococcosis cases was evaluated in the provinces (autonomous regions and corps) from 2017 to 2022, and the correlations between the short⁃ and medium⁃term risk indices and between the medium⁃ and long⁃term risk indices of Echinococcus infection were examined using a univariate linear regression model. Results A total of 4 014 echinococcosis cases in China from 2012 to 2016 were included in this study. The short⁃, medium⁃ and long⁃term risk indices of E. granulosus infection varied in echinococcosis⁃endemic provinces (autonomous regions and corps) of China ([χ2] = 4.12 to 708.65, all P values < 0.05), with high short⁃ (0.058), medium⁃ (0.137) and long⁃term risk indices (0.104) in Tibet Autonomous Region, and the short⁃, medium⁃ and long⁃term risk indices of E. multilocularis infection varied in echinococcosis⁃endemic provinces (autonomous regions and corps) of China ([χ2] = 6.74 to 122.60, all P values < 0.05), with a high short⁃term risk index in Sichuan Province (0.016) and high medium⁃ (0.009) and long⁃term risk indices in Qinghai Province (0.018). There were no significant correlations between the risk index of E. granulosus infection and the detection of incident cystic echinococcosis cases during the study period (t = -0.518 to 2.265, all P values > 0.05), and strong correlations were found between the risk indices of E. multilocularis infection and the detection of incident alveolar echinococcosis cases (including mixed type) in 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, during the period from 2017 through 2020, from 2017 through 2021, from 2017 through 2022 (all r values > 0.7, t = 2.521 to 3.692, all P values < 0.05). Linear regression models were established between the risk index of E. multilocular infection and the detection of alveolar echinococcosis cases (including mixed type), and the models were all statistically significant (b = 0.214 to 2.168, t = 2.458 to 3.692, F = 6.044 to 13.629, all P values < 0.05). The regression coefficients for the correlations between the medium⁃ and short⁃term, and between the long⁃ and medium⁃term risk indices of E. granulosus infection were 2.339 and 0.765, and the regression coefficients for the correlations between the medium⁃ and short⁃term, and between the long⁃ and medium⁃term risk indices of E. multilocular infection were 0.280 and 1.842, with statistical significance seen in both the regression coefficients and regression models (t = 16.479 to 197.304, F = 271.570 to 38 928.860, all P values < 0.05). Conclusions The risk index of Echinococcus infection has been successfully established based on the classification of echinococcosis lesions, which may provide insights into the prevention and control, prediction, diagnosis and treatment, and classified management of echinococcosis.
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    Experimental study on the artificial infection of common freshwater snails with Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province
    LI Tianmei, FANG Wen, CHEN Shaorong, YANG Jing, ZHAO Yongbo, ZHAO Shenhua, LI Ting, YANG Limin, GUO Yunhai, LIU Yuhua
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 299-303.  
    Abstract147)      PDF(pc) (1289KB)(183)       Save
    Objective To evaluate the potential risk of transmission of angiostrongyliasis by common freshwater snails in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, so as to provide insights into local surveillance of angiostrongyliasis. Methods   Common freshwater snails were collected from Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province from March to April, 2020, and identified and bred in laboratory. SD rats were infected with third⁃stage larvae of Angiostrongylus cantonensis that were isolated from commercially available Pomacea canaliculata snails in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, and freshwater snails were infected with the first⁃stage larvae of A. cantonensis that were isolated from the feces of SD rats 39 days post⁃infection at room temperature. The developmental process and morphological characteristics of worms in hosts were observed, and the percentages of A. cantonensis infections in different species of freshwater snails were calculated. Then, SD rats were infected with the third⁃stage larvae of A. cantonensis that were isolated from A. cantonensis⁃infected freshwater snails, and the larval development and reproduction was observed. Results More than 3 000 freshwater snail samples were collected from farmlands, ditches and wetlands around Erhai Lake in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, and Cipangopaludina chinensis, P. canaliculata, Parafossarulus striatulus, Oncomelania hupensis robertsoni, Galba pervia, Physa acuta, Radix swinhoei, Assiminea spp., Tricula spp. and Bellamya spp. were morphologically identified. A total of 105 commercially available P. canaliculata snails were tested for A. cantonensis infections, and 2 P. canaliculata snails were found to be infected with A. cantonensis, in which the third⁃stage larvae of A. cantonensis were isolated. Ten species of freshwater snails were artificially infected with the third⁃stage larvae of A. cantonensis, and all 10 species of freshwater snails were found to be infected with A. cantonensis, with the highest positive rate of A. cantonensis infections in Bellamya spp. (62.3%, 137/204), and the lowest in C. chinensis (35.5%, 11/31). After SD rats were infected with the third⁃stage larvae of A. cantonensis isolated from different species of freshwater snails, mature adult worms of A. cantonensis were yielded. Conclusions Multiple species of freshwater snails may serve as intermediate hosts of A. cantonensis under laboratory conditions in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province. Further investigations on natural infection of A. cantonensis in wild snails in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture seem justified.
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    Effect of oxymatrine on Cryptosporidium parvum infection in mice based on the HMGB1⁃TLR2/TLR4⁃NF⁃κB pathway
    SHI Jie, JI Rui, GUAN Zhiyu, ZHANG Xiaoning, LU Yilong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 286-293.  
    Abstract144)      PDF(pc) (1883KB)(137)       Save
    Objective To investigate the involvement of the high mobility group box protein B1 (HMGB1)⁃Toll⁃like receptor 2 (TLR2)/TLR4⁃nuclear factor κB (NF⁃κB) pathway in the intestinal mucosal injury induced by Cryptosporidium parvum infection, and to examine the effect of oxymatrine (OMT) on C. parvum infection in mice. Methods Forty SPF 4⁃week⁃old BALB/c mice were randomly divided into four groups, including the control group, infection group, glycyrrhizin (GA) group and OMT group. Each mouse was orally administered with 1 × 105 C. parvum oocysts one week in the infection, GA and OMT groups following dexamethasone⁃induced immunosuppression to model C. parvum intestinal infections in mice. Upon successful modeling, mice in the GA group were intraperitoneally injected with GA at a daily dose of 25.9 mL/kg for successive two weeks, and animals in the OMT group were orally administered OMT at a daily dose of 50 mg/kg for successive two weeks, while mice in the control group were given normal food and water. All mice were sacrificed two weeks post⁃treatment, and proximal jejunal tissues were sampled. The pathological changes of mouse intestinal mucosal specimens were observed using hematoxylin⁃eosin (HE) staining, and the mouse intestinal villous height, intestinal crypt depth and the ratio of intestinal villous height to intestinal crypt depth were measured. The occludin and zonula occludens protein 1 (ZO1) expression was determined in mouse intestinal epithelial cells using immunohistochemistry, and the relative expression of HMGB1, TLR2, TLR4, myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88) and NF⁃κB p65 mRNA was quantified in mouse jejunal tissues using quantitative real⁃time PCR (qPCR) assay. Results HE staining showed that the mouse intestinal villi were obviously atrophic, shortened, and detached, and the submucosal layer of the mouse intestine was edematous in the infection group as compared with the control group, while the mouse intestinal villi tended to be structurally intact and neatly arranged in the GA and OMT groups. There were significant differences among the four groups in terms of the mouse intestinal villous height (F = 6.207, P = 0.000 5), intestinal crypt depth (F = 6.903, P = 0.000 3) and the ratio of intestinal villous height to intestinal crypt depth (F = 37.190, P < 0.000 1). The mouse intestinal villous height was lower in the infection group than in the control group [(321.9 ± 41.1) μm vs. (399.5 ± 30.9) μm; t = 4.178, P < 0.01] and the GA group [(321.9 ± 41.1) μm vs. (383.7 ± 42.7); t = 3.130, P < 0.01], and the mouse intestinal crypt depth was greater in the infection group [(185.0 ± 35.9) μm] than in the control group [(128.4 ± 23.6) μm] (t = 3.877, P < 0.01) and GA group [(143.3 ± 24.7) μm] (t = 2.710, P < 0.05). The mouse intestinal villous height was greater in the OMT group [(375.3 ± 22.9) μm] than in the infection group (t = 3.888, P < 0.01), and there was no significant difference in mouse intestinal villous height between the OMT group and the control group (t = 1.989, P > 0.05). The mouse intestinal crypt depth was significantly lower in the OMT group [(121.5 ± 27.3) μm] than in the infection group (t = 4.133, P < 0.01), and there was no significant difference in mouse intestinal crypt depth between the OMT group and the control group (t = 0.575, P > 0.05). The ratio of the mouse intestinal villous height to intestinal crypt depth was significantly lower in the infection group (1.8 ± 0.2) than in the control group (3.1 ± 0.3) (t = 10.540, P < 0.01) and the GA group (2.7 ± 0.3) (t = 7.370, P < 0.01), and the ratio of the mouse intestinal villous height to intestinal crypt depth was significantly higher in the OMT group (3.1 ± 0.2) than in the infection group (t = 15.020, P < 0.01); however, there was no significant difference in the ratio of the mouse intestinal villous height to intestinal crypt depth between the OMT group and the control group (t = 0.404, P > 0.05). Immunohistochemical staining showed significant differences among the four groups in terms of occludin (F = 28.031, P < 0.000 1) and ZO1 expression (F = 14.122, P < 0.000 1) in mouse intestinal epithelial cells. The proportion of positive occluding expression was significantly lower in mouse intestinal epithelial cells in the infection group than in the control group [(14.3 ± 4.5)% vs. (28.3 ± 0.5)%; t = 3.810, P < 0.01], and the proportions of positive occluding expression were significantly higher in mouse intestinal epithelial cells in the GA group [(30.3 ± 1.3)%] and OMT group [(25.8 ± 1.5)%] than in the infection group (t = 7.620 and 5.391, both P values < 0.01); however, there was no significant differences in the proportion of positive occluding expression in mouse intestinal epithelial cells between the GA or OMT groups and the control group (t = 1.791 and 2.033, both P values > 0.05). The proportion of positive ZO1 expression was significantly lower in mouse intestinal epithelial cells in the infection group than in the control group [(14.4 ± 1.8)% vs. (24.2 ± 2.8)%; t = 4.485, P < 0.01], and the proportions of positive ZO1 expression were significantly higher in mouse intestinal epithelial cells in the GA group [(24.1 ± 2.3)%] (t = 5.159, P < 0.01) and OMT group than in the infection group [(22.5 ± 1.9)%] (t = 4.441, P < 0.05); however, there were no significant differences in the proportion of positive ZO1 expression in mouse intestinal epithelial cells between the GA or OMT groups and the control group (t = 0.037 and 0.742, both P values > 0.05). qPCR assay showed significant differences among the four groups in terms of HMGB1 (F = 21.980, P < 0.000 1), TLR2 (F = 20.630, P < 0.000 1), TLR4 (F = 17.000, P = 0.000 6), MyD88 (F = 8.907, P = 0.000 5) and NF⁃κB p65 mRNA expression in mouse jejunal tissues (F = 8.889, P = 0.000 7). The relative expression of HMGB1 [(5.97 ± 1.07) vs. (1.05 ± 0.07); t = 6.482, P < 0.05]、TLR2 [(5.92 ± 1.29) vs. (1.10 ± 0.14); t = 5.272, P < 0.05]、TLR4 [(5.96 ± 1.50) vs. (1.02 ± 0.03); t = 4.644, P < 0.05]、MyD88 [(3.00 ± 1.26) vs. (1.02 ± 0.05); t = 2.734, P < 0.05] and NF⁃κB p65 mRNA [(2.33 ± 0.72) vs. (1.04 ± 0.06); t = 2.665, P < 0.05] was all significantly higher in mouse jejunal tissues in the infection group than in the control group. A significant reduction was detected in the relative expression of HMGB1 (0.63 ± 0.01), TLR2 (0.42 ± 0.10), TLR4 (0.35 ± 0.07), MyD88 (0.70 ± 0.11) and NF⁃κB p65 mRNA (0.75 ± 0.01) in mouse jejunal tissues in the GA group relative to the control group (t = 8.629, 5.830, 11.500, 4.729 and 6.898, all P values < 0.05), and the relative expression of HMGB1, TLR2, TLR4, MyD88 and NF⁃κB p65 mRNA significantly reduced in mouse jejunal tissues in the GA group as compared to the infection group (t = 7.052, 6.035, 4.084, 3.165 and 3.274, all P values < 0.05). In addition, the relative expression of HMGB1 (1.14 ± 0.60), TLR2 (1.00 ± 0.24), TLR4 (1.14 ± 0.07), MyD88 (0.96 ± 0.25) and NF⁃κB p65 mRNA (1.12 ± 0.17) was significantly lower in mouse jejunal tissues in the OMT group than in the infection group (t = 7.059, 5.320, 3.510, 3.466 and 3.273, all P values < 0.05); however, there were no significant differences between the OMT and control groups in terms of relative expression of HMGB1, TLR2, TLR4, MyD88 or NF⁃κB p65 mRNA in mouse jejunal tissues (t = 0.239, 0.518, 1.887, 0.427 and 0.641, all P values > 0.05). Conclusions C. parvum infection causes intestinal inflammatory responses and destruction of intestinal mucosal barrier through up⁃regulating of the HMGB1⁃TLR2/TLR4⁃NF⁃κB pathway. OMT may suppress the intestinal inflammation and repair the intestinal mucosal barrier through inhibiting the activity of the HMGB1⁃TLR2/TLR4⁃NF⁃κB pathway.  
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    Spatiotemporal clustering and hot spot analysis of visceral leishmaniasis in Gansu Province from 1993 to 2023
    YU Dawei, HE Aiwei, FENG YU, YANG Guobing, YANG Chengming, LI Fan
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (4): 334-338,387.  
    Abstract142)      PDF(pc) (1535KB)(302)       Save
    Objective To investigate the spatiotemporal clustering characteristics of the reported incidence of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Gansu Province from 1993 to 2023, so as to provide insights into the containment of VL and prevention of VL recurrence. Methods County (district)⁃level epidemical data of VL in Gansu Province from 1993 to 2023 were collected, and the geographical information database of reported VL incidence in Gansu Province was created according to the county⁃level administrative code and electronic maps in Gansu Province. In addition, the spatial autocorrelation analysis and hot spot analysis of the reported VL incidence were performed in Gansu Province using the software ArcGIS 10.8. Results A total of 2 597 VL cases were reported in Gansu Province from 1993 to 2023, with an annual average incidence rate of 3.036/105. Spatial autocorrelation analysis showed spatial clustering of the reported VL incidence in Gansu Province (Moran’s I = 0.605, Z = 5.240, P < 0.001), appearing high⁃high clustering features (Getis⁃Ord G = 0.080, Z = 4.137, P < 0.001), and high⁃high clustering of the reported incidence of VL was identified in Diebu County, Dangchang County, Zhouqu County and Wenxian County. Hot spot analysis showed hot⁃spot areas of the reported VL incidence in Dangchang County, Zhouqu County, Wudu District and Wen County along the Bailong River basins and cold⁃spot areas in Qin’an County and Gangu County. Conclusions There was spatial clustering and hot spots of the reported VL incidence in Gansu Province from 1993 to 2023. Intensified surveillance and control is required to prevent the spread of VL.
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    Genetic polymorphisms of common sandflies in selected areas of Henan Province based on DNA barcoding
    WANG Dan, HE Zhiquan, YANG Chengyun, LU Deling, SUN Yiying, KOU Yuanjing, QIAN Dan, ZHANG Hongwei, LIU Ying
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (4): 352-360,392.  
    Abstract140)      PDF(pc) (1276KB)(264)       Save
    Objective To characterize the species of common sandflies in Henan Province using DNA barcoding with cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene as the molecular marker, and to analyze the genetic polymorphisms of sandflies, so as to provide insights into visceral leishmaniasis prevention and control in Henan Province. Methods Sandfly specimens were sampled from 13 sandflies surveillance sites from 2021 to 2023 in Anyang City, Zhengzhou, Luoyang and Xuchang cities (Zhengzhou⁃Luoyang⁃Xuchang areas) where visceral leishmaniasis cases were reported and in Jiaozuo and Xinxiang cities (Jiaozuo⁃Xinxiang areas) without visceral leishmaniasis cases reported. Genomic DNA was extracted from a single sandfly, and COI gene was amplified. The amplification product was subjected to bidirectional sequencing. Following sequence assembly, the species of sandflies was characterized through sequence alignment using the BLAST tool. The intra⁃specific and inter⁃specific genetic distances of sandflies were estimated among different areas using the software Mega 11, and phylogenetic trees were created. The polymorphisms of nucleotide sequences in the sandflies COI gene were estimated using the software DnaSP. The fixation index (FST) of different geographical isolates of sandflies was calculated using the Arlequin software, and the gene flow value (Nm) was used to measure the gene flow in the sandflies populations. In addition, the population genetic structure of different geographical populations of Phlebotomus chinensis was analyzed using the STRUCTURE software. Results A total of 978 sandflies were collected from 13 sandflies surveillance sites in Zhengzhou⁃Luoyang⁃Xuchang areas, Jiaozuo⁃Xinxiang areas and Anyang City of Henan Province from 2021 to 2023, and 475 sandflies were randomly sampled for subsequent detections. A total of 304 Ph. chinensis, 162 Se. squamirostris and 9 Se. bailyi were identified based on molecular biological detection of the COI gene, and Se. bailyi was reported for the first time in Henan Province. The intraspecific genetic distances of sandflies were 0.000 to 0.040, and the interspecific genetic distances ranged from 0.133 to 0.161. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that each of the three sandfly species was clustered into a clade. The genetic polymorphisms of Ph. chinensis populations varied among different areas, with the highest haplotype diversity (0.966 ± 0.007) and the greatest nucleotide diversity (0.011) in Zhengzhou⁃Luoyang⁃Xuchang areas, and the lowest haplotype diversity (0.720 ± 0.091) and nucleotide diversity (0.004) in Anyang City. The dominant haplotype of Ph. chinensis populations was Pch_Hap_2 in Anyang City and Jiaozuo⁃Xinxiang areas, with moderate genetic differentiation (0.05 < FST < 0.15) and frequent gene exchange (Nm value > 1) between Ph. chinensis populations sampled from Anyang City, and Jiaozuo⁃Xinxiang areas. Population genetic structure analysis showed that the dominant component of Ph. chinensis populations was K5 in Anyang City and Jiaozuo⁃Xinxiang areas. No obvious dominant haplotype was observed in Ph. chinensis populations sampled from Zhengzhou⁃Luoyang⁃Xuchang areas, which had very high genetic differentiation (FST > 0.25) and little gene exchange (Nm value <1) with Ph. chinensis populations from Anyang City, and Jiaozuo⁃Xinxiang areas, with K3 as the dominant component. In addition, there was no significant difference in the genetic polymorphism level among Se. squamirostris populations from the three areas. Conclusions  There are Ph. chinensis, Se. squamirostris and Se. bailyi in Henan Province, and S. bailyi is recorded for the first time in Henan Province by molecular biological assays. There are different levels of genetic differentiation and gene exchange among P. chinensis populations in different areas of Henan Province.
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    Biological threats to global malaria elimination Ⅲ Vector insecticide resistance
    ZHU Guoding
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 243-246,271.  
    Abstract139)      PDF(pc) (1246KB)(197)       Save
    The insecticide resistance is becoming increasingly severe in malaria vectors and has become one of the most important threats to global malaria elimination. Currently, malaria vectors not only have developed high resistance to conventional insecticides, including organochlorine, organophosphates, carbamates, and pyrethroids, but also have been resistant to recently used neonicotinoids and pyrrole insecticides. This article describes the current status of global insecticide resistance in malaria vectors and global insecticide resistance management strategies, analyzes the possible major challenges in the insecticide resistance management, and proposes the response actions, so as to provide insights into global insecticide resistance management and contributions to global malaria elimination.
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    Biological threats to global malaria elimination Ⅳ Emergence of invasive vector species
    LIU Qiyong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 247-250.  
    Abstract139)      PDF(pc) (1171KB)(319)       Save
    Driven by international exchanges and climate changes, the invasion and spread of vector Anopheles mosquitoes posed a new challenge to achieving global malaria elimination. Taking the invasion of An. stephensi to exacerbate the malaria epidemic in Africa as an example, this article summarizes the current situation of global Anopheles invasion, and estimates the potential risk of vector Anopheles mosquitoes to unravel the difficulties and challenges in the global malaria elimination program, so as to provide insights into improved early earning and precision control of vector Anopheles mosquito invasion across the world.
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    Development and preliminary application of a multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of four intestinal parasites in goats
    LI Yilong, MU Xuanru, XU Hui, LUO Xiaoping, YU Runzi, XU Xinyi, YANG Linlin, YU Xingang, HONG Yang
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (4): 376-383.  
    Abstract134)      PDF(pc) (1227KB)(142)       Save
    Objective To develop a multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of four intestinal parasites, including Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidium parvum, Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Moniezia, and to preliminarily evaluate its detection efficiency. Methods Four pairs of specific primers were designed based on the conserved sequences of the corresponding genes of G. duodenalis (GenBank accession number: XM_001710026.2), C. parvum (GenBank accession number: XM_626998.1), E. bieneusi (GenBank accession number: KJ719492.1) and Moniezia (GenBank accession number: OM296991.1) retrieved from the GenBank database, and a multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of G. duodenalis, C. parvum, E. bieneusi and Moniezia was developed and optimized. A total of 116 fresh goat stool samples were collected from four goat farms in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province during the period from October to December 2022, including 96 samples used for evaluating the detection efficacy of the multiplex PCR assay, and 20 samples as baseline controls for sample testing. Genomic DNA extracted from 96 goat stool samples was tested using the single⁃target PCR assay and the developed multiplex PCR assay, and the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the multiplex PCR assay were evaluated for detection of G. duodenalis, C. parvum, E. bieneusi and Moniezia DNA in goat stool samples with the single⁃target PCR assay as the gold standard. Results The multiplex PCR assay developed in this study allowed simultaneous amplification of specific gene fragments of G. duodenalis, C. parvum, E. bieneusi and Moniezia, with 1 400, 755, 314 bp and 585 bp in sizes, respectively, and the detection limit was 102 and higher copies of parasite DNA clones, while the multiplex PCR assay was negative for gene amplification of Schistosoma japonicum, Fasciola hepatica, Echinococcus granulosus, Blastocystis hominis and Homalogaster paloniae. Single⁃target PCR assay and the developed multiplex PCR assay were employed to test DNA samples extracted from 96 goat stool samples, and single⁃target PCR assay tested positive in 40 goat stool samples (41.67%), including 39 positive samples tested with the multiplex PCR assay, with a mean coincidence rate of 97.50% (39/40). The multiplex PCR assay tested positive for G. duodenalis DNA in 26 goat stool samples (27.10%), C. parvum DNA in 22 samples (22.90%), E. bieneusi DNA in 24 samples (25.00%), and Moniezia in 9 samples (9.40%), which was consistent with the detection using the single⁃target PCR assay. The sensitivity, negative predictive value, and positive predictive value of the multiplex PCR assay were 96.15%, 95.83%, 100.00% and 100.00%, 98.90%, 98.92%, 100.00% and 100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00% and 100.00% for detection of G. duodenalis, C. parvum, E. bieneusi and Moniezia DNA in goat stool samples, respectively, if the single⁃target PCR assay served as the gold standard. Conclusion A highly sensitive and specific multiplex PCR assay has been developed for simultaneous detection of G. duodenalis, C. parvum, E. bieneusi and Moniezia in goats, which is suitable for rapid, large⁃scale screening of intestinal parasites in sheep stool samples.
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    Progress of researches on toxoplasmosis vaccines based on the CRISPR/Cas9 technology
    WU Yan, ZHANG Xin, LI Jin, XIE Jinjing, WANG Longjiang, SUN Hui
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (5): 542-547.  
    Abstract134)      PDF(pc) (953KB)(135)       Save
    Toxoplasma gondii is an obligatory intracellular parasite which infects a variety of warm⁃blooded animals and causes toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis seriously endangers human health and animal husbandry production. As one of the effective gene editing tools, the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR⁃associated proteins (Cas) system has been widely used for knockout of genes in T. gondii. This review summarizes the applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology in vaccines against single⁃ and double⁃gene deletion strains of T. gondii, so as to provide insights into development of toxoplasmosis vaccines.
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    Construction of a global health talent training evaluation index system based on bibliometric analysis
    TAO Xiaoqing, MA Xuejiao, FEI Siwei, DUAN Lei, LÜ Shan, WU Jiani
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (2): 191-197.  
    Abstract133)      PDF(pc) (1882KB)(317)       Save
    Objective To identify the current research hotspots of global health training, and construct a global health talent training evaluation index system. Methods Publications pertaining to global health talent training evaluation were retrieved in China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Database, and Web of Science Core Collection from 2003 to 2022, and keywords were extracted from eligible publications for co⁃occurrence and cluster analyses using the CiteSpace software. Based on keywords clustering results, a global health talent training evaluation index system was constructed using a context, input, process, and product (CIPP) evaluation model as a theoretical framework. Results A total of 692 Chinese publications and 1 264 English publications were included. Keyword co⁃occurrence and cluster analyses yielded 10 Chinese and 10 English keyword clusters, and the 10 Chinese keyword clusters included analytic hierarchy process, health diplomacy, personnel structure, cross⁃discipline, educational assessment, global health discipline development, training needs, curriculum program, quality evaluation and logistics support, while the English keyword clusters included evidence⁃based practice, capacity building, global health, quality of life, machine learning, leadership, sub⁃Saharan Africa, health equity, global health security and global health diplomacy. Based on keyword clustering, a global health talent training evaluation index system was constructed with CIPP as the theoretical framework, which contained 4 primary indicators, 15 secondary indicators and 59 tertiary indicators, and the primary indicators included 4 dimensions of context evaluation, input evaluation, process evaluation and product evaluation. Conclusions A global health talent training evaluation index system has been constructed, which provides an effective evaluation tool and quantitative evidence for future global health talent training.
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    First overseas imported case of schistosomiasis haematobia in Xihu District, Hangzhou City  
    ZHANG Huami, SU Xing, ZHANG Jianfeng, ZHANG Yingyi
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (5): 548-550.  
    Abstract132)      PDF(pc) (1055KB)(138)       Save
    This paper reports the diagnosis and treatment of the first imported case of schistosomiasis haematobia in Xihu District of Hangzhou. The patient was an international student from Zimbabwe, and experienced repeated gross hematuria without obvious motivation. Cystoscopy displayed bladder masses, and a large number of fresh or calcified parasite eggs were found in pathological sections. In addition, urine microscopy identified Schistosoma haematobium eggs. The case was therefore definitively diagnosed as overseas imported case of imported schistosomiasis haematobia. Another case of schistosomiasis mansoni was identified among international students in the same school with the patient above by indirect haemagglutination test and urine and stool etiology examination. It is recommended to intensify health education and monitoring among overseas floating populations and improve the diagnostic skills of overseas imported schistosomiasis among professionals working in medical and disease control and prevention institutions, in order to prevent misdiagnosis and mistreatment. 
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    Advances in detection methods for fish⁃borne parasites in aquatic products
    ZHANG Yaoguang, WANG Zhenyu, CHEN Jian, YU Qing
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (4): 428-434,438.  
    Abstract130)      PDF(pc) (1021KB)(355)       Save
    Consumption of raw and semi⁃raw aquatic products is strongly associated with the development of fish⁃borne parasitic diseases. Detection of fish⁃borne parasites in aquatic products is of great significance for the prevention and control of fish⁃borne parasitic diseases. This review describes the advances in the application of etiological, molecular biological and immunological techniques alone and in combinations for detection of fish⁃borne parasites, so as to provide insights into detection of fish⁃borne parasites.
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    Latest advances in the development of tuberculosis vaccines in global clinical trials: a review
    ZHOU Fangbin, ZHANG Yilong, ZHANG Dongmei
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (2): 201-206,218.  
    Abstract129)      PDF(pc) (1041KB)(358)       Save
    Tuberculosis remains one of the biggest infectious killers worldwide. Vaccine is the most satisfactory tool for prevention of TB; however, Bacillus Calmette⁃Guérin (BCG), the widely used vaccine in clinical for the prevention of TB, has limitations in protective effects. Development of novel TB vaccines is therefore of urgent need. Currently, there are 15 novel TB vaccine candidates in clinical trials, including live⁃attenuated vaccines, inactivated vaccines, subunit vaccines and viral⁃vectored vaccines, which open the door for the ultimate target of the End TB Strategy. This review summarizes the latest advances in the development of TB vaccines in global clinical trials, so as to provide insights into TB control.
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    Screening and functional analysis of differentially expressed long non⁃coding RNA in the liver of mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum during the chronic pathogenic stage
    LI Yinlong, LI Qin, LIN Weina, FENG Ting, QIN Zhiqiang, CAO Chunli, LI Shizhu, XU Jing
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (2): 137-147.  
    Abstract127)      PDF(pc) (2384KB)(357)       Save
    Objective To screen differentially expressed long non⁃coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the liver of mice infected with Schistosoma japonicum during the chronic pathogenic stage and identify their functions, so as to provide insights into unraveling the role of lncRNAs in S. japonicum infection⁃induced liver disorders. Methods Twenty 6⁃week⁃old C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into two groups, of 10 animals each group. Each mouse in the experimental group was infected with (15 ± 2) S. japonicum cercariae via the abdomen for modeling chronic S. japonicum infection in mice, and distilled water served as controls. All mice were sacrificed 70 days post⁃infection, and mouse liver specimens were sampled for RNA extraction and library construction. All libraries were sequenced on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 sequencing platform. Data cleaning was performed using the fastp software, and reference genome alignment and gene expression (FPKM) calculation were performed using the HISAT2 software. Potential lncRNA sequences were predicted using the software CNIC, CPC, Pfam, and PLEK, and potential lncRNAs were screened. Differentially expressed lncRNAs were screened with the DESeq2 software and subjected to Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analyses to identify biological processes and metabolic pathways involved in target genes of differentially expressed lncRNAs. Results A total of 333 potential lncRNAs were screened, and 67 were identified as differentially expressed lncRNAs, including 49 up⁃regulated and 18 down⁃regulated lncRNAs. A total of 53 target genes were predicted for differentially expressed lncRNAs. GO enrichment analysis showed that these target genes were mainly enriched in biological process and molecular function, among which Sema7a, Arrb1, and Ccl21b genes may be hub target genes for positive regulation of extracellular regulated protein kinase 1 (ERK1) and ERK2 cascades and may participate in the regulation of collagen expression. KEGG enrichment analysis showed that the target genes of differentially expressed lncRNAs were mainly enriched in cytokine⁃cytokine receptor interaction, viral protein interactions with cytokines and cytokine receptors, chemokine signaling pathway, and nuclear factor kappa⁃B (NF⁃κB) signaling pathway. Conclusions This study identifies differentially expressed lncRNAs and functional enrichment of their target genes in the liver of mice during the chronic pathogenic stage of S. japonicum infection. Up⁃regulated lncRNAs may affect biological processes of ERK1/2 cascades and chemokine signaling pathways via target genes Sema7a, Arrb1, and Ccl21b, thereby affecting collagen expression and inflammatory signal pathways, ultimately affecting the development of liver disorders.
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    Collaboration between clinical and public health services: an important guarantee for consolidating malaria elimination achievements
    YIN Jianhai, ZHANG Li, XIA Zhigui
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (2): 111-115.  
    Abstract125)      PDF(pc) (1165KB)(405)       Save
    There are still multiple challenges in China during the malaria post⁃elimination phase, including a large number of imported malaria cases with widespread distribution, low awareness of timely healthcare seeking, insufficient malaria diagnosis and treatment capacity of medical institutions and insufficient malaria surveillance and response capability of disease control and prevention institutions. As the core technical institutions for preventing the re⁃establishment of malaria transmission, both medical institutions and disease control and prevention institutions are required to enhance the collaboration between clinical and public health services, improve the malaria diagnosis and quality management system, intensify case identification and epidemiological investigations, and improve the management mechanism of antimalarial drug reserves. In addition, doctors are encouraged to become the main force in the health education and promotion of malaria prevention to improve the public health literacy. These approaches are recommended to improve the overall capability of timely identification, standardized treatment and effective response of imported malaria cases, so as to continuously consolidate the malaria elimination achievements in China.
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    Preparation and preliminary application of the polyclonal antibody against Toxoplasma gondii dense granule protein 24
    FU Shengnan, YANG Yun, WANG Cong, LUO Qingli, YU Li
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 279-285.  
    Abstract125)      PDF(pc) (1262KB)(175)       Save
    Objective To prepare and characterize the mouse polyclonal antibody against the dense granule protein 24 (GRA24) of Toxoplasma gondii, and explore its preliminary applications. Methods The GRA24 coding sequences of different T. gondii strains were aligned using the MEGA⁃X software, and the dominant peptide of the GRA24 protein was analyzed with the Protean software. The base sequence encoding this peptide was amplified using PCR assay and ligated into the pET⁃28a vector, and the generated GRA24 truncated protein was transformed into Escherichia coli BL21. After induction by isopropyl⁃beta⁃D⁃thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), the expression and purification of the recombinant GRA24 protein was analyzed using sodium dodecyl sulfate ⁃ polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS⁃PAGE). BALB/c mice were immunized by subcutaneous injection with the purified recombinant GRA24 truncated protein to generate the polyclonal antibody, and the titer of the polyclonal antibody was measured using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The specificity of the polyclonal antibody was tested using Western blotting, and the intracellular localization of the polyclonal antibody was investigated using immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Results SDS⁃PAGE showed successful construction of the recombinant expression plasmid, and Coomassie brilliant blue staining showed the generation of the high⁃purity recombinant GRA24 truncated protein. ELISA measured that the titer of the polyclonal antibody against the GRA24 truncated protein was higher than 1∶208 400, and Western blotting showed that the polyclonal antibody was effective to recognize the endogenous GRA24 proteins of different T. gondii strains and specifically recognize the recombinant GRA24 truncated protein. Indirect IFA showed that the GRA24 protein secreted 16 hour following T. gondii invasion in host cells. Conclusions The polyclonal antibody against the T. gondii GRA24 protein has been successfully prepared, which has a widespread applicability, high titers and a high specificity. This polyclonal antibody is available for Western blotting and IFA, which provides the basis for investigating the function of the GRA24 protein.
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    Application of artificial intelligence in parasitic diseases and parasitology
    ZHOU Yibiao
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (6): 551-554.  
    Abstract125)      PDF(pc) (4619KB)(134)       Save
    The rapid development of artificial intelligence poses a huge impact on health and has become a core driving force for the new generation of the scientific and technological revolution in the field of healthcare. Recently, artificial intelligence has been gradually applied in the field of parasitic diseases and parasitology, including disease diagnosis, prognosis prediction, prediction of transmission risk, intelligent identification of vectors and intermediate hosts, and disease prevention and control, which facilitates the progress towards elimination of parasitic diseases. In addition, artificial intelligence provides highly efficient tools and approaches for healthcare workers and researchers. This comment mainly reviews the application of artificial intelligence in the fields of parasitic diseases and parasitology.
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    Molluscicidal effect of spraying different formulations of niclosamide ethanolamine salt with drones against Oncomelania hupensis in ditches
    ZHU Zelin, ZHANG Xia, HE Junyi, CHEN Ying, WANG Weisi, HU Hehua, CAO Chunli, BAO Ziping, GUO Suying, DUAN Liping, YUAN Yi, XU Jing, LI Shizhu, ZHOU Xiaonong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (5): 527-530,541.  
    Abstract124)      PDF(pc) (978KB)(95)       Save
    Objective To evaluate the molluscicidal effect of spraying different formulations of niclosamide ethanolamine salt with drones against Oncomelania hupensis in ditches. Methods A semi⁃dry and semi⁃wet ditch with O. hupensis snails was selected in the second branch field of Jiangbei Farm, Jiangling County, Hubei Province in May 2023, and divided into 4 experimental areas, named groups A1, A2, B1 and B2. Environmental cleaning was performed in groups A1 and B2, and was not conducted in groups A2 or B2. Then, 50% wettable powder of niclosamide ethanolamine salt was sprayed with drones at a dose of 2 g/m2 in groups A1 and A2, and 5% niclosamide ethanolamine salt granule was sprayed with drones at an effective dose of 2 g/m2 in groups B1 and B2. O. hupensis snails were surveyed using the systematic sampling method 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 days after spraying, and the natural mortality and corrected mortality of O. hupensis snails were calculated. Results The occurrence of frames with living snails, mean density of living snails and natural mortality of snails were 97.50% (117/120), 6.30 snails/0.1 m2 and 1.18% (9/765) in the test ditch before spraying, respectively. There were significant differences in the mortality of snails among four groups 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 days after spraying niclosamide formulations with drones ([χ2] = 17.230, 51.707, 65.184, 204.050 and 34.435, all P values < 0.01). The overall mortality rates of snails were 94.51% (1 051/1 112), 79.44% (908/1 143), 96.54% (977/1 012) and 88.55% (1 021/1 153) in groups A1, A2, B1 and B2 ([χ2] = 207.773, P < 0.05), respectively. In addition, there was no significant difference in the overall snail mortality between groups A1 and B1 (P > 0.05), and the snail mortality in groups A1 and B1 were both statistically different from that in groups A2 and B2 (all P values < 0.05). Conclusion Both 50% wettlable powder of niclosamide ethanolamine salt and 5% niclosamide ethanolamine salt granule sprayed with drones are active against O. hupensis snails in ditches, and environmental cleaning may improve the molluscicidal effect. 
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    Comparison of external morphological and movement patterns between Schistosoma japonicum and S. sinensis cercariae
    SONG Jing, ZHANG Zongya, SHEN Meifen, ZHOU Jihua, LI Chunying, YANG Zaogai, DONG Yi, DU Chunhong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (4): 384-387.  
    Abstract124)      PDF(pc) (1203KB)(209)       Save
    Objective To compare the external morphological characteristics and movement patterns between Schistosoma japonicum and S. sinensis cercariae. Methods S. japonicum and S. sinensis cercariae were heat⁃fixed, and well⁃extended cercariae, of 50 each species, were randomly selected for measurement of body length, body width, tail stem length, and tail fork length. The external morphological characteristics of S. japonicum and S. sinensis cercariae were compared. In addition, S. japonicum⁃infected Oncomelania snails and S. sinensis⁃infected Tricula snails were observed under a microscope and the movement patterns of S. japonicum and S. sinensis cercariae were compared. Results The mean body length, body width, tail stem length, and tail fork length were (0.16 ± 0.01), (0.05 ± 0.01), (0.14 ± 0.01) mm and (0.06 ± 0.01) mm for S. japonicum cercariae, and (0.13 ± 0.01), (0.05 ± 0.01), (0.13 ± 0.01) mm and (0.06 ± 0.01) mm for S. sinensis cercariae, respectively, and there were significant differences in terms of cercaria body length (t = 14.583, P < 0.05) and tail stem length (t = 3.861, P < 0.05), while no significant differences were seen in terms of body width (t = 0.896, P > 0.05) or tail fork length (t = -0.454, P > 0.05). Microscopy revealed that the tails of both S. japonicum and S. sinensis cercariae swung from side to side and there was no significant difference in their movement pattern. Conclusion S. sinensis and S. japonicum cercariae share highly similar external external morphological characteristics and movement patterns.
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    Nippostrongylus brasiliensis alleviates dextran sulfate sodium salt⁃induced ulcerative colitis in mice: a preliminary study 
    ZHANG Yingshu, YUAN Caiyi, WANG Qiang, DING Xin, YAO Jiakai, ZHANG Bei, QIAO Shumiao, DAI Yang
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (5): 450-459,473.  
    Abstract123)      PDF(pc) (3112KB)(352)       Save
    Objective To investigate the alleviation of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection on dextran sulfate sodium salt (DSS)⁃induced ulcerative colitis in mice, and to explore the underlying mechanism. Methods Thirty male C57BL/6J mice of the SPF grade, each weighing approximately 25 g, were randomly divided into three groups, including the blank control group (NC group), DSS modeling group (DSS group), and N. brasiliensis treatment group (Nb + DSS group), of 10 mice in each group. Mice in the DSS group were orally administered with 3.5% DSS daily since day 1 (D0) for 6 successive days, and given normal drinking water since D6, and animals in the Nb + DSS group were subcutaneously injected with the third⁃stage larvae of N. brasiliensis at a dose of 500 larvae per mice 5 days prior to D0, followed by oral administration with 3.5% DSS daily since D0 for 6 successive days and normal drinking water since D6, while mice in the NC group were given normal drinking water. Mouse body weight and stool were observed and the disease activity index (DAI) was scored in each group during the study period. All mice were sacrificed on D9. The mouse colon length was measured, and mouse colon specimens were subjected to hematoxylin⁃eosin (HE) staining and histopathological scoring. In addition, the mRNA and protein expression of interleukin (IL)⁃1β and IL⁃10 was quantified in mouse colon specimens using quantitative fluorescent real⁃time PCR (qPCR) assay and enzyme⁃linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the mRNA and protein expression of mucosal repair⁃associated molecules zonula occludens⁃1 (ZO⁃1), mucin 2 (MUC2) and claudin⁃1 was detected in mouse colon specimens using qPCR assay and immunofluorescence assay. Results The mice body weights, DAI scores and colon lengths were (26.26 ± 1.93), (22.39 ± 1.65), (25.00 ± 1.58) g (F = 8.06, P < 0.01); (1.89 ± 0.34), (0.47 ± 0.39), 0 points (F = 57.61, P < 0.000 1); and (42.50 ± 5.75), (56.20 ± 5.96) mm and (61.17 ± 7.88) mm (F = 13.72, P < 0.001) in the NC, DSS and Nb + DSS groups on D9, respectively, and elevated mouse body weight (P < 0.05), reduced DAI score (P < 0.000 1) and increased colon length (P < 0.01) were observed in the Nb + DSS group relative to the DSS group on D9. Pathological examinations showed that the colonic crypts were relatively intact and the inflammatory cell infiltration was lower in the mouse colon specimens in the Nb + DSS group than in DSS the group. There was a significant difference in the histopathological scores of mouse colon specimens among the NC group (0 point), the DSS group [(2.00 ± 1.22) points] and the Nb + DSS group [(0.20 ± 0.45) points] (F = 10.71, P < 0.01), respectively, and the histopathological score of mouse colon specimens was significantly higher in the DSS group than in the NC and Nb + DSS groups (both P values < 0.01). qPCR assay quantified that the relative IL⁃10 and IL⁃1β mRNA expression was 1.25 ± 0.08, 0.44 ± 0.14 and 1.30 ± 0.45 (F = 10.66, P < 0.01), and 0.22 ± 0.13, 1.14 ± 0.31 and 0.41 ± 0.19 (F = 16.89, P < 0.001) in mouse colon specimens in the NC, DSS and Nb + DSS groups, respectively, and higher IL⁃10 mRNA expression and lower IL⁃1β mRNA expression were found in mouse colon specimens in the Nb + DSS group than in the DSS group (both P values < 0.01). The relative MUC2, claudin⁃1 and ZO⁃1 mRNA expression was 0.87 ± 0.25, 0.34 ± 0.26 and 4.21 ± 0.55 (F = 121.60, P < 0.000 1), 1.05 ± 0.41, 0.16 ± 0.09 and 0.22 ± 0.11 (F = 14.00, P < 0.01), and 1.03 ± 0.10, 0.60 ± 0.11 and 1.64 ± 0.28 (F = 32.16, P < 0.000 1) in mouse colon specimens in the NC, DSS and Nb + DSS groups, respectively, and significantly higher MUC2 and ZO⁃1 mRNA expression was quantified in mouse colon specimens in the Nb + DSS group than in the DSS group (both P values < 0.05). The mean fluorescence intensities of ZO⁃1 and claudin⁃1 were 17.18 ± 2.08, 12.38 ± 1.21 and 18.06 ± 2.59 (F = 8.95, P < 0.01) and 13.50 ± 1.63, 9.66 ± 2.03 and 13.61 ± 0.97 (F = 6.96, P < 0.05) in mouse colon specimens in the NC, DSS and Nb + DSS groups, respectively, and the mean fluorescence intensities of ZO⁃1 and claudin⁃1 were significantly greater in mouse colon specimens in the Nb + DSS group than in the DSS group (both P values < 0.05).  Conclusion N. brasiliensis infection may remarkably alleviate DSS⁃induced ulcerative colitis in mice through promoting expression of anti⁃inflammatory cytokines, inhibiting expression of pro⁃inflammatory cytokines and facilitating mucosal repair in colon tissues.
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    Familial aggregation of human hookworm infections in Sichuan Province
    LUO Jingwen, TIAN Hongchun, LIU Yang, WU Xiaohong, TIE Lei, ZHANG Liping, DENG Xiu
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (3): 294-298,328.  
    Abstract121)      PDF(pc) (1008KB)(172)       Save
    Objective To investigate the family aggregation of human hookworm infections in Sichuan Province and to identify its influencing factors, so as to provide insights into management of hookworm infections. Methods Three to four counties (districts) were sampled from basins, hilly regions and mountainous regions around the basins in Sichuan Province from 2017 to 2022 as fixed survey sites, and 17 to 30 counties (districts) were selected as mobile survey sites. At least 1 000 permanent residents at ages of 3 years and older were sampled from each survey site, and hookworm eggs were detected in human stool samples using the Kato⁃Katz technique. Subjects with 2 and more family members and at least 2 individuals diagnosed with hookworm infections in the county (district) where they lived were selected, and the familial aggregation of hookworm infections was analyzed using the test of goodness of fit for binomial distribution. In addition, the knowledge and practice of hookworm disease control were investigated among residents in Hejiang County and Wutongqiao District, Leshan City, Sichuan Province in 2021 and 2022, and the difference in the knowledge and practice of hookworm disease control was compared between members with and without familial aggregation of hookworm infections. Results A total of 66 812 residents from 25 196 households were sampled from main endemic areas of hookworm diseases in Sichuan Province from 2017 to 2022 for detection of hookworm infections, and 4 403 infections were identified (6.59% prevalence). The distribution of human hookworm infections in Sichuan Province did not fit the binomial distribution, and showed family aggregations ([χ2] = 2 116.759, P < 0.001). Family aggregation of human hookworm infections was found in endemic areas with 1% and higher prevalence of human hookworm infections ([χ2] = 136.006 to 428.738, all P values < 0.001), and family aggregation of human hookworm infections was identified in different years ([χ2] = 87.615 to 471.838, all P values < 0.001) and in different terrains of endemic areas ([χ2] = 8.423 to 1 144.176, all P values < 0.001). The members with hookworm infections had median eggs per gram of 180 (interquartile range, 780) in aggregated families and 72 (102) in non⁃aggregated families (Z = -2.686, P < 0.05). The proportion of members in families with aggregation of hookworm infections who knew the preventive measures of hookworm disease was significantly lower than in non⁃aggregated families (24.49% vs. 51.72%; [χ2] = 10.262, P < 0.05), and the proportion of members in families with aggregation of hookworm infections who often worked barefoot on the ground was significantly higher than in non⁃aggregated families (30.61% vs. 13.25%; [χ2] = 6.289, P < 0.05). Conclusions There is a familial aggregation of human hookworm infections in Sichuan Province, and awareness of preventive measures for hookworm disease and frequent working barefoot on the ground are associated with familial aggregation of hookworm infections.
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    Application of machine learning models in schistosomiasis control: a review
    ZHOU Yu, TONG Yixin, ZHOU Yibiao
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (5): 535-541.  
    Abstract121)      PDF(pc) (975KB)(154)       Save
    Schistosomiasis is a major public health concern in the world, and precision control is crucial to combating this disease. Due to the complex and diverse transmission route of schistosomiasis, conventional statistical models have significant limitations for precision control of schistosomiasis. As an important branch of artificial intelligence, machine learning has shown remarkable advantages in schistosomiasis control and research. It has been shown that machine learning is highly effective for disease prediction and risk assessment, so as to optimize the disease control strategy and resource allocation and achieve the precision control target. This review summarizes the characteristics of machine learning models and their applications in the research of intermediate host snails and schistosomiasis.
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    Impact of drought on Oncomelania hupensis snails breeding in the Poyang Lake area
    HU Fei, LÜ Shangbiao, LI Yifeng, LI Zongguang, HE Tingting, XIE Jingzi, YUAN Min, LIN Dandan
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (4): 370-375.  
    Abstract118)      PDF(pc) (1714KB)(199)       Save
    Objective To examine the impact of arid climates on distribution of Oncomelania hupensis snails in the Poyang Lake area, so as to provide insights into precision control of O. hupensis snails in the Poyang Lake area. Methods O. hupensis snails⁃infested grass islands in Hukou County, Lianxi District and Lushan City in the northern Poyang Lake area, and Jinxian County, Nanchang County and Poyang County in the southern Poyang Lake area were selected as the study areas, and the occurrence of frames with living snails and the mean density of living snails were captured from snail surveys in the study areas in spring and autumn each year from 2006 to 2023. Five years 2007, 2011, 2013, 2019 and 2022 were selected as drought years, and the mean daily water levels were collected at the Xingzi hydrological station in the drought years, normal flow year (2012) and flood year (2020). The numbers of days with water levels ranging from the lower elevation (11 m) to the upper elevation (16 m) for snail survival and the numbers of days with water levels of 11 m and below were collected in the Poyang Lake area, and the changes of snail indicators were compared in different grass islands in the Poyang Lake area before and after drought. Results The numbers of days with water levels ranging from 11 to 16 m were 110, 88, 136 d and 125 d at the Xingzi hydrological station in four drought years 2007, 2011, 2013 and 2019, which were less than in the flow year and flood year, and the days with water levels of 11 m and below were 242, 277, 220 d and 198 d in four drought years 2007, 2011, 2013 and 2019, which were longer than in the flow year and flood year. A total of 416 snails⁃infested marshlands were surveyed in the Poyang Lake area from 2006 to 2021, and the survey marshlands accounted for 43.12% (307/712) and 46.98% (109/232) of total marshlands in the southern and northern Poyang Lake areas, respectively. The median occurrence of frames with living snail and mean density of living snail were 0.60% (interquartile range, 4.04%) and 0.010 1 snail/0.1 m2 (interquartile range, 0.076 1 snail/0.1 m2) in drought years, which were both lower than those [1.33% (5.19%) and 0.022 8 (0.098 9) snail/0.1 m2] in non⁃drought years ([χ2] = 42.170 and 44.911, both P values < 0.01). The proportion of grass islands with a continuous decline in snail indicators was higher in the southern Poyang Lake area than in the northern Poyang Lake area after the next year of drought (24.24% vs. 2.33%; [χ2] = 10.633, P < 0.01), and the proportion of grass islands with rebounding snail indicators was higher in the northern Poyang Lake area than in the southern Poyang Lake area (53.49% vs. 15.76%; [χ2] = 26.966, P < 0.01). A longitudinal analysis of snail indicators in marshlands with rebounding snail indicators after drought showed 1 to 5 years for return to pre⁃drought snail status, with a median of 2 (interquartile range, 1) years, and snail status was more likely to rebound if the occurrence of frames with living snails and the mean density of living snails were 2.11% and 0.025 5 snail/0.1 m2 and greater in snails⁃infested grass islands. Conclusions Drought causes a remarkable decline in O. hupensis snail indicators in the Poyang Lake area, with a more remarkable impact in the southern Poyang Lake area, and 1 to 5 years are required for return to pre⁃drought snail status.
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    Prevalence of Echinococcus infections in small rodents in Yushu City, Qinghai Province in 2023
    HE Gengcheng, WU Shusheng, QIN Xianglan, MA Jilong, YU Tingjun, SONG Chengxi, MO Xiaojin, MA Xiao, BA Jianfeng, ZHENG Guirong, JIANG Bin, TIAN Tian, YANG Shijie, ZHANG Ting, ZHOU Xiaonong
    Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control    2024, 36 (2): 169-173.  
    Abstract117)      PDF(pc) (1402KB)(306)       Save
    Objective To investigate the prevalence of Echinococcus infections in small rodents around human residential areas in Yushu City, Qinghai Province in 2023, so as to provide insights into precision echinococcosis control. Methods One or two quadrats, each measuring 50 m × 50 m, were randomly assigned in Shanglaxiu Township and Longbao Township, Yushu City, Qinghai Province on June 2023, respectively, and 300 plate⁃type mouse traps, each measuring 12.0 cm × 6.5 cm, were assigned in each quadrat. Small rodents were captured during the period between 10 : 00 and 18 : 00 each day for 4 days. Then, all captured small rodents were identified and dissected, and liver specimens with suspected Echinococcus infections were subjected to pathological examinations. The Echinococcus cytochrome c oxidase 1 (cox1) gene was amplified using PCR assay, and the sequence of the amplified product was aligned to that was recorded in the GenBank to characterize the parasite species. In addition, a phylogenetic tree of Echinococcus was generated based on the cox1 gene sequence using the neighbor⁃joining method. Results A total of 236 small rodents were captured in Shanglaxiu and Longbao townships, Yushu City, including 65 Qinghai voles and 51 plateau pikas in Shanglaxiu Township, and 62 Qinghai voles and 58 plateau pikas in Longbao Township, and there was no significant difference in the constituent ratio of small rodents between the two townships ([χ2] = 0.294, P > 0.05). Seven plateau pikas and 12 Qinghai voles were suspected to be infected with Echinococcus by dissection, and pathological examinations showed unclear structure of hepatic lobules and disordered hepatocyte arrangement in livers of small rodents suspected of Echinococcus infections. PCR assay identified E. shiquicus DNA in 7 Qinghai voles, which were all captured from Shanglaxiu Township. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the cox1 gene sequence of Echinococcus in small rodents was highly homologous to the E. shiquicus cox1 gene sequence reported previously. Conclusions Plateau pika and Qinghai vole were predominant small rodents around human residential areas in Yushu City, Qinghai Province in 2023, and E. shiquicus infection was detected in Qinghai voles.
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