Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 346-351,398.

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Distribution and seasonal fluctuation of visceral leishmaniasis vectors sandflies in Henan Province in 2023

HE Zhiquan1, 2, WANG Dan1, 2, KOU Yuanjing1, 2, YANG Chengyun1, 2, SUN Yiying3, 4, JI Penghui1, 2, JIANG Tiantian1, 2, LU Deling1, 2, QIAN Dan1, 2, ZHANG Hongwei1, 2, LIU Ying1, 2*   

  1. 1 Henan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Zhengzhou, Henan 450016, China; 2 Henan Provincial Medical Key Laboratory of Parasitic Pathogen and Vector, Zhengzhou, Henan 450016, China; 3 Luoyang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Henan Province, China; 4 Luoyang Municipal Key Laboratory for the Etiology of Vector⁃borne Diseases, Henan Province, China
  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-03


贺志权1, 2,王丹1, 2,寇元静1, 2,杨成运1, 2,孙毅莹3, 4,纪鹏慧1, 2,蒋甜甜1, 2,鲁德领1, 2,钱丹1, 2, 张红卫1, 2,刘颖1, 2*   

  1. 1 河南省疾病预防控制中心(河南 郑州 450016);2 河南省寄生虫病原与媒介医学重点实验室(河南 郑州 450016);3 河南省洛阳市疾病预防控制中心;4 河南省洛阳市媒介传染病病原学重点实验室
  • 作者简介:贺志权,男,硕士,主管医师。研究方向:寄生虫病防治和研究
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To investigate the geographical distribution and seasonal fluctuations of visceral leishmaniasis vectors sandflies in Henan Province in 2023, so as to provide insights into the prevention and control of visceral leishmaniasis vectors. Methods A total of 23 counties (districts) were sampled from 18 cities of Henan Province from May to September, 2023 as sandfly surveillance sites, and sandflies were captured using human capture and light trapping methods. Following morphological identification, the changes in the sandfly density were calculated at different months and in different breeding habitats. Results   A total of 406 light traps were set at sandfly surveillance sites in Henan Province from May to September, 2023, and a total of 3 137 female sandlies were captured, with an average density of 7.73 sandlies/(light·night). A total of 1 494 Phlebotomus chinensis sandflies were captured, including 1 222 female sandflies, with an average density of 3.01 sandflies/(light·night), and the highest density of P. chinensis was found in Gongyi City [17.00 sandflies/(light·night)]. A total of 5 544 sandflies were captured using the human capture method, including 230 P. chinensis, and the density of P. chinensis appeared a unimodal distribution, with a peak in early July [5.81 sandflies/(light·night)]. Among different breeding habitats, the highest P. chinensis density was detected in pigpens [4.50 sandflies/(light·night)]. Conclusions P. chinensis was predominantly distributed in hilly areas of northern and central⁃western Henan Province in 2023, and the sandfly density appeared a unimodal distribution. Intensified monitoring of visceral leishmaniasis vectors is recommended.

Key words: Phlebotomus chinensis, Visceral leishmaniasis, Geographical distribution, Seasonal fluctuation, Surveillance, Henan Province

摘要: 目的 了解2023年河南省内脏利什曼病媒介白蛉地理分布及季节消长情况,为内脏利什曼病媒介控制提供科学依据。方法 2023年5—9月,选取河南省18个地级市的23个县(市、区)为白蛉监测点,采用人工法和诱蛉灯法捕捉白蛉。经形态学鉴定后,计算白蛉密度并分析不同月份、不同生境白蛉密度变化。结果 2023年5—9月,河南省累计于白蛉监测点布设诱蛉灯406台,捕获雌蛉3 137只,平均密度为7.73只/(灯·夜)。累计捕获中华白蛉1 494只,其中雌蛉1 222只,平均密度为3.01只/(灯·夜)。巩义市中华白蛉密度最高,为17.00只/(灯·夜)。人工法累计捕获白蛉5 544只,其中中华白蛉230只。中华白蛉密度呈单峰曲线分布,7月上旬达到峰值,为5.81只/(灯·夜)。各类生境中,以猪圈中华白蛉密度最高,为4.50只/(灯·夜)。结论 2023年河南省中华白蛉主要分布于北部和中西部丘陵地区,白蛉密度呈单峰曲线分布;应有针对性地加强白蛉监测工作。

关键词: 中华白蛉, 内脏利什曼病, 地理分布, 季节消长, 监测, 河南省

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