Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 403-406.

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Distribution and seasonal fluctuation of visceral leishmaniasis vectors sandflie in Lüliang City of Shanxi Province in 2023

WANG Yanqin1△, JIA Yujie1△, LIANG Yifang1, HAO Pingping1, TIAN Xiaodong2, FENG Wei1, DONG Xiaoqing1, WANG Caiping1, ZHANG Yanbin1*, CHEN Huize1, 3*   

  1. 1 Lüliang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Lüliang, Shanxi 033000, China; 2 Shanxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China; 3 Shanxi Normal University, Taiyuan, Shanxi 031000, China
  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-03


王彦琴1△,贾玉洁1△,梁一方1,郝平平1,田晓东2,冯伟1,董小清1,王彩平1,张艳斌1*,陈慧泽1, 3*   

  1. 1 山西省吕梁市疾病预防控制中心(山西 吕梁 033000);2 山西省疾病预防控制中心;3 山西师范大学(山西 太原031000)
  • 作者简介:王彦琴,女,硕士,初级技师。研究方向: 寄生虫病防控 贾玉洁,女,学士,初级技师。研究方向: 病媒生物防控 △ 共同第一作者
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To investigate the distribution and seasonal fluctuations of visceral leishmaniasis vectors sandflies in Lüliang City, Shanxi Province, so as to provide insights into assessment of the visceral leishmaniasis transmission risk and formulation of visceral leishmaniasis control measures. Methods A total of 12 natural villages were sampled from Shilou County, Lishi District, Lanxian County, Linxian County and Wenshui County in Lüliang City, Shanxi Province from June to September, 2023, and sandflies were captured using light traps from 7 breeding habitats, including farmers’ houses, sheep pens, cattle pens, chicken coops, pig pens, mule and horse pens, and loess⁃cave dwellings. Following morphological identification of the sandfly species, the distribution of sandflies and the seasonal fluctuations of the sandfly density were analyzed. In addition, the Leishmania was detected in sandflies using a real⁃time fluorescence quantitative PCR assay. Results A total of 2 831 sandflies were captured with 156 light traps in Lüliang City from June to September, 2023, including 2 638 female sandflies (93.18%) and 193 male sandflies (6.82%), and the average density was 16.91 sandflies/(light⁃night). The seasonal fluctuations of the sandfly density all appeared a unimodal distribution in all survey sites, and the sandfly density peaked in July and then declined rapidly. Among all types of breeding habitats, the greatest sandfly density was found in sheep pens [39.04 sandflies/(light⁃night)]. In addition, 4.08% (2/49) of the sandfly samples were tested positive for Leishmania nucleic acid as revealed by the real⁃time fluorescence quantitative PCR assay. Conclusions Sandflies were widely distributed in Lüliang City, Shanxi Province in 2023, and the peak of the sandfly density was observed in July, which had a visceral leishmaniasis transmission risk. Intensified surveillance of visceral leishmaniasis and sandfly vectors is required and targeted vector control is recommended.

Key words: Visceral leishmaniasis, Sandfly, Population density, Seasonal fluctuation, Breeding habitat, Lüliang City

摘要: 目的 了解2023年山西省吕梁市内脏利什曼病媒介白蛉分布及密度季节消长,为评估该地区内脏利什曼病流行风险及制定防控措施提供依据。方法 2023年6—9月,选取山西省吕梁市石楼县、离石区、岚县、临县和文水县等5个县(区)的12个自然村作为调查点,于农户、羊圈、牛棚、鸡舍、猪圈、骡马圈和土窑洞等7种生境采用诱蛉灯法诱捕白蛉。经形态学鉴定蛉种后计算白蛉密度,分析白蛉分布及其密度季节消长情况;采用荧光定量PCR法检测白蛉样本利什曼原虫感染情况。 结果 2023年6—9月,吕梁市累计布设诱蛉灯156台,捕获白蛉2 831只,其中雌性白蛉2 638只(占93.18%)、雄性白蛉193只(占6.82%)。白蛉平均密度为16.91只/(灯·夜)。各调查点白蛉密度均呈单峰曲线分布,于7月达到峰值后迅速下降。不同生境中,羊圈白蛉密度最高,为39.04只/(灯·夜)。荧光定量PCR检测结果显示,4.08%(2/49)的白蛉样本呈利什曼原虫核酸阳性。结论 2023年山西省吕梁市广泛存在白蛉分布,且白蛉密度于7月出现高峰期,具有内脏利什曼病流行风险。应加强内脏利什曼病及白蛉监测,并有针对性地开展媒介控制措施。

关键词: 内脏利什曼病, 白蛉, 种群密度, 季节消长, 生境, 吕梁市

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