Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 399-402.

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Prevalence of canine Leishmania infections in Xin’an County, Luoyang City in 2020

CHENG Rui1, SUN Yiying1, YANG Chengyun2, ZHU Xin1*   

  1. 1 Luoyang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Luoyang Municipal Key Laboratory for the Etiology of Vector⁃Borne Diseases, Luoyang, Henan 471000, China; 2 Henan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Henan Provincial Key Laboratory for Pathogenic Microorganisms of Infectious Diseases, China
  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-03



  1. 1 河南省洛阳市疾病预防控制中心、河南省洛阳市媒介传染病病原学重点实验室(河南 洛阳 471000);2 河南省疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所、河南省寄生虫病原与媒介医学重点实验室
  • 作者简介:程睿,女,硕士,主管医师。研究方向:寄生虫病和传染病防治
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To investigate the prevalence of canine Leishmania infections in villages endemic for visceral leishmaniasis in Xin’an County, Luoyang City, so as to provide insights into visceral leishmaniasis prevention and control. Methods All dogs were captured from Huzhanggou Village, Xin’an County, Luoyang City in August 2020, where local cases with visceral leishmaniasis lived. The basic characteristics of dogs were collected, and venous blood was collected via the ear or neck veins of dogs. The serum anti⁃Leishmania antibody was detected using the rk39 immunochromatographic test and Leishmania nucleic acid was detected using PCR assay, and the prevalence of Leishmania infection was estimated in dogs. Results A total of 133 domestic dogs were captured from Huzhanggou Village, with a median age of 18.0 (28.5) months. The sero⁃prevalence of anti⁃Leishmania antibody was 24.81% (33/133) and the prevalence of a positive PCR assay was 14.29% (19/133) in dogs. The median ages of Leishmania⁃infected and uninfected dogs were 24.0 (36.0) months and 12.0 (18.0) months, respectively (U = 872.000, P = 0.000), and the prevalence of Leishmania infection was 55.56% (5/9) in “mangy dogs” and 24.19% (30/124) in asymptomatic dogs ([χ2] = 2.793, P = 0.095). Conclusions There are a large number of asymptomatic dogs with Leishmania infections in Xin’an County, Luoyang City, with a high transmission risk of visceral leishmaniasis. Timely prevention and control measures are required to control the spread of visceral leishmaniasis.

Key words: Visceral leishmaniasis, Leishmania, Dog, Luoyang City

摘要: 目的 了解洛阳市新安县内脏利什曼病疫点村犬只利什曼原虫感染现状,为内脏利什曼病防控提供科学依据。方法 2020年8月在洛阳市新安县内脏利什曼病本地感染患者居住地胡张沟村,收集全部犬只信息,并经耳部或颈部静脉采集犬只静脉血,采用rk39快速诊断试剂和PCR法检测血样,了解犬只利什曼原虫感染情况。结果 胡张沟村共有家养犬只133只,犬只年龄中位数为18.0(28.5)个月。rk39快速诊断试剂检测犬只利什曼原虫感染阳性率为24.81%(33/133),PCR检测阳性率为14.29%(19/133)。阳性犬只年龄中位数为24.0(36.0)个月,阴性犬只为12.0(18.0)个月,差异有统计学意义(U = 872.000,P = 0.000)。“癞皮狗”利什曼原虫感染阳性率为55.56%(5/9),无症状犬只阳性率为24.19%(30/124),差异无统计学意义([χ2] = 2.793,P = 0.095)。结论 洛阳市新安县存在大量利什曼原虫无症状感染犬,内脏利什曼病传播风险较高,应及时采取相关防治措施,以控制该病扩散。

关键词: 内脏利什曼病, 利什曼原虫, 犬, 洛阳市

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