Chin J Schisto Control ›› 2007, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 257-262.

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Surveillance on schistosomiasis in China in 2006

 Zhu Rong, Dang Hui, Guo Jia-gang    

  • Online:2013-01-06 Published:2013-01-14



  • 作者简介:朱蓉(1978-)|女|硕士。研究方向:血吸虫病流行病学


 Objective  To understand the endemic situation of schistosomiasis among 80 national
surveillance sites for schistosomiasis in 2006,so as to provide scientific evidence for making out
schistosomiasis prevention and control measures. Methods  According to the national surveillance
protocol, the endemic situation of schistosomiasis in residents and livestock, and the status of On-
comelania snails and other factors were investigated in the 80 national surveillance sites for schisto-
somiasis, and all the data were collected and analysed. Results   Among the 80 national surveillance
sites,the average positive rate of residents with sera examination was 13. 60% and the average posi-
tive rate with stool examination was l. 59%. The average positive rate of floating population with
sera examination was 5.79%. There were 143 advanced patients among the national surveillance
sites, and 12 acute patients were reported in 2006, but no breaking-out epidemic reported. The pro-
portion of domestic animals stable breeding were about 4. 74% of 5 365 examined animals in 2006,
and the others were not. The infection rate of domestic animals was 5. 93% that declined by 34. 49%
compared with that in 2005 and especially for the infection rate of cattle and sheep. A total of
7 429. 63 hmz of areas were surveyed. The areas of snail habitats, infected snail habitats and the
new snail habitats were 4 994. 01,621. 75 hm2 and 21. 75 hm2,respectively.  The density of living
snails and infection rate of snails were 0. 544 8/0. 1 m2 and 0. 37%,  which increased compared with
infection rate of 0. 26% in 2005.  Conclusion   The endemic situation of residents, cattle and snail
habitats declined in 2006 compared with those in 2005 in the national surveillance sites.

Key words: Schistosomiasis, Surveillance, Endemic situation


 目的分析2006年全国血吸虫病疫情监测点的疫情数据,了解监测点的疫情变化趋势。方法80个监测点统一按照<全国血吸虫病疫情监测方案》开展人群及家畜病情、螺情和相关因素调查,数据汇总整理,分析2006年的监测结果。结果  2006年全国监测点人群血检阳性率为13. 60%,粪检阳性率1.59%,均比2005年有所下降;流动人口血检阳性率为5.79%;现有晚期血吸虫病人143例,共报告急性血吸虫病人12例,各监测点均无突发疫情报告。共检查家畜5 365头,圈养家畜仅占4. 74%,其余均为敞放或圈放兼有的饲养方式,家畜感染率为5.93%,比2005年下降34. 49%,尤其是黄牛和羊的感染率比2005年有所下降。2006年春季共调查钉螺面积7 429.63hm2,查出有螺面积4 994. 01 hm2,感染性钉螺面积621. 75 hm2,新发现钉螺面积21.75 lirri2.活螺平均密度为0. 544 8只10.1 II12,钉螺感染率为0. 37%,较2005年的0.26%有所上升。结论2006年全国血吸虫病监测点人群、家畜中的黄牛和钉螺疫情较2005年都有所下降。

关键词: 血吸虫病;监测;疫情

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