中国血吸虫病防治杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 631-636.

• 防治研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海市疾病预防控制中心(上海 200336)
  • 出版日期:2024-12-25 发布日期:2024-12-31
  • 通讯作者: 余晴
  • 作者简介:戴思敏,女,硕士,主管医师。研究方向:流行病学和统计学、热带病防治
  • 基金资助:

Surveillance of parasitic infections in market⁃sold aquatic products and knowledge and practice towards food⁃borne parasitic diseases among residents in Shanghai Municipality from 2020 to 2023

DAI Simin, YU Qing*, WANG Zhenyu, ZHANG Yaoguang, YANG Jiawei, WEI Zixin, MA Xiaojiang, ZHU Qian, CHEN Jian, PAN Hao, WU Huanyu   

  1. Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 200336, China
  • Online:2024-12-25 Published:2024-12-31

摘要: 目的 了解上海市市售水产品寄生虫感染情况,并调查居民食源性寄生虫病认知和行为现状,为完善相关寄生虫病监测方案及防控措施提供参考。方法 2020—2023年分别在上海市黄浦区、普陀区、闵行区和青浦区农贸市场、超市、零售店和餐饮店等采样点采集淡水类、海水类产品及其腌制类产品,分别采用压片法、人工消化法、解剖法检测不同类型水产品中寄生虫感染情况。2023年在上述4个区的农贸市场、超市、社区街道等人群聚集地,随机抽取10 ~ 80岁居民,通过问卷调查了解其对食源性寄生虫病的认知行为状况和健康行为形成情况。结果 2020—2023年在上海市黄浦区、普陀区、闵行区和青浦区累计采集检测各类水产品2 109件,检出寄生虫感染阳性317件,总感染率为15.03%。其中,淡水类产品共采集检测1 221件,寄生虫感染阳性8件,感染率为0.66%,感染寄生虫以华支睾吸虫为主,见于麦穗鱼、鰟鲌鱼和鲫鱼等3类淡水鱼中;海水类产品共采集检测501件,寄生虫感染阳性82件,感染率为16.37%,感染寄生虫以异尖线虫为主,见于带鱼、小黄鱼、青占鱼、梅童鱼、鲻鱼、大黄鱼、马鲛鱼、鲳鱼和秋刀鱼等9类鱼种;腌制类产品共采集检测387件,寄生虫感染阳性227件,感染率为58.66%,其中黄泥螺和蟹糊棘口吸虫囊蚴感染率分别为76.27%(225/295)和11.11%(2/18),差异有统计学意义([χ2] = 159.511,P < 0.05)。淡水虾、蟹和腌制类产品中均未检出并殖吸虫感染阳性,淡水鱼和海水鱼中均未检出阔节裂头蚴感染阳性。上述4个区居民问卷调查结果显示,人群食源性寄生虫病知晓率为79.00%(222/281);饭前便后洗手、不直接喝过滤水或自来水、不生食或半生食食物、愿意为了健康改变特殊饮食喜好或者不良生活习惯、愿意了解更多关于食源性寄生虫病知识等健康行为的形成率分别为99.64%(280/281)、72.24%(203/281)、56.23%(158/281)、96.80%(272/281)、97.51%(274/281)。结论 上海市市售水产品存在食源性寄生虫污染,尽管居民对食源性寄生虫病相关知识有一定了解,但仍应持续开展食源性寄生虫病监测,并加强健康教育力度,以降低人群寄生虫感染风险。

关键词: 食源性寄生虫;市售水产品;感染;知晓率;健康行为形成率;上海市 

Abstract: Objective To investigate the prevalence of parasitic infections in market⁃sold aquatic products in Shanghai Municipality, and to understand the knowledge and practice towards food⁃borne parasitic diseases among residents, so as to provide insights into the surveillance and control of food⁃borne parasitic diseases. Methods Freshwater products, seawater products and pickled products were randomly obtained from agricultural trade markets, supermarkets, retail stores and restaurants in Huangpu, Putuo, Minhang and Qingpu districts of Shanghai Municipality from 2020 to 2023. Parasite metacercariae and larvae were detected in these aquatic products using pressing method, digestion method and the dissection method, and the detection of parasitic infection was compared in different types of aquatic products. In addition, the knowledge and practice towards food⁃borne parasitic diseases were investigated among residents aged 10⁃80 years old who randomly selected from agricultural trade markets, supermarkets, community streets and other population concentration areas in these four districts by questionnaire in 2023, and the awareness of food⁃borne parasitic diseases knowledge and percentage of healthy behaviors formation were analyzed. Results A total of 2 109 aquatic products sampled from Huangpu, Putuo, Minhang and Qingpu districts of Shanghai Municipality from 2020 to 2023 were detected, and there were 317 products detected with parasitic infections, with an overall detection rate of 15.03%. There were 8 products detected with parasitic infections in 1 221 freshwater products, with a detection rate of 0.66%, and Clonorchis sinensis was the predominant parasite, which was detected in Pseudorasbora parva, Rhodeus amarus and Carassius auratus. There were 82 products detected with parasitic infections in 501 seawater products, with a detection rate of 16.37%, and Anisakis was the predominant parasite, which was detected in Trichiurus lepturus, Larimichthys polyactis, Pneumatophorus japonicus, Collchthys lucidus, Mugil cephalus, Larimichthys crocea, Scomberomorus niphonius, Stromateoides argenteus and Cololabis saira. There were 227 products detected with parasitic infections in 387 pickled products, with a detection rate of 58.66%, and the prevalence rates of Echinostoma metacercariae were 76.27% (225/295) in Bullacta exarata and 11.11% (2/18) in crab pastes, respectively ([χ2] = 159.511, P < 0.05). No Paragonimus infection was found in freshwater shrimps, crabs and pickled products, and no Diphyllobothrium latum larvae infection was detected in freshwater and seawater fish. Questionnaire surveys showed that the awareness of food⁃borne parasitic diseases knowledge was 79.00% (222/281), and the percentages of washing hands before and after meals, not drinking filtered water or tap water directly, not eating raw or semi⁃raw food, being willing to change special dietary preferences or bad living habits for health, and being willing to learn more about food⁃borne parasitic diseases knowledge were 99.64% (280/281), 72.24% (203/281), 56.23% (158/281), 96.80% (272/281) and 97.51%(274/281) among residents living in Huangpu, Putuo, Minhang and Qingpu districts, respectively. Conclusions There are food⁃borne parasite contaminations in market⁃sold aquatic products in Shanghai Municipality. Although residents are aware of food⁃borne parasitic diseases knowledge, sustainable surveillance of food⁃borne parasitic diseases and improved health education are required to minimize the risk of human parasitic infections.

Key words: Food?borne parasite, Market?sold aquatic product, Infection, Awareness rate, Formation rate of healthy behavior, Shanghai Municipality
