Chin J Schisto Control ›› 2007, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 299-303.

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Epidemiological survey of chronic lymphatic filariasis after itsm elimination in Shanghai City

 |Zhang Xiao-ping, Zhu Min,Cai Li, Wang Long-ying, Wang Zhen-yu, Jin  Yan- jun   

  • Online:2013-01-06 Published:2013-01-14



  1. 上海市疾病预防控制中心(上海200336)
  • 作者简介:张小萍(19 62 -)|女|本科|主任医师。研究方向:寄生虫病防治


 Objective  To understand the status of chronic lymphatic filariasis cases after its e-
limination in Shanghai City. Methods  All the chronic filarial cases historically registered were in-
cluded in this survey and some persons with significant signs were also included. The data of clinical
examination and results of serotests and microfilaria examination were recorded and analysed, and
the database was set up. Results   A total of 826 chronic filariasis patients were surveyed, who dis-
tributed in 102 townships of 9 districts, Shanghai City.  About 87. 17% of the patients were over 70
years old, and 96. 73% of them had the disease over 30 years. The main three chronic signs were
lymphedema/elephantiasis, chyluria,  and hydrocele, accounting for 96. 73% ,  2. 06% and l. 21% ,
respectively.  The cases with Ⅰ-Ⅳstage of limb lymphedema/elephantiasis were for 94. 63%,
ones with  V ,  VI stage of elephantiasis for 5. 37%, and 16. 71% of them were presented with acute
onset of lymphadenitis. In terms of healthy status, 91.77% of the patients were healthy, and
2. 18% of them were unable to care for themselves. The positive rate for filarial specific IgG4 anti-
body was 15. 01%, and no any microfilaria was found in the blood samples among the antibody posi-
tive cases.  Conclusions   The status of elimination of lymphatic filariasis in Shanghai is maintained.
More attention should be put in the chronic filariasis patients because of their older age and onsets
of the disease.

Key words:  Chronic filariasis, Lymphedema/elephantiasis, Chyluria, Hydrocele, Lymphadenitis, Epidemiological survey, Shanghai City


目的  了解上海市消除丝虫病后现存慢性丝虫病人的患病情况。方法对上海市历史在册的慢性丝虫病人以及线索病人进行调查,复查、核实症状和体征,填写完善档案卡和随访卡,建立数据库,并进行血清学检测和病原学检查。结果上海市现存826例慢性丝虫病人,分布于9个区102个乡(镇),年龄70岁以上占87.17%,病程30年以上占96. 73%。主要体征淋巴水肿/象皮肿、乳糜尿和鞘膜积液分别占96. 73%、2.06%、1.21%。下肢淋巴水肿/象皮肿体征病人中,以Ⅰ-Ⅳ期淋巴水肿为主,占94. 63%,Ⅴ、Ⅵ期象皮肿占5.37%,其中16. 71%的病例有淋巴管/结炎。91. 77%的病例健康状况尚好,2.18%的病例生活不能自理。丝虫特异IgG4抗体阳性率为15. 01%,病原学检查均为阴性。结论上海市现存慢性丝虫病已得到有效控制,需加强对病入的治疗和照料,减轻病人痛苦,提高生活质量。

关键词: 慢性丝虫病;淋巴水肿/象皮肿;乳糜尿;鞘膜积液;淋巴管/结炎;流行病学调查;上海市

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