Chin J Schisto Control ›› 2012, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (5): 573-575.

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Effect of comprehensive control and management of schistosomiasis at pla? teaus regions in Yunnan Province

CHEN Shao-rong1|LI Bing-gui2|LI Wen-bao2 |LUO Jia-jun1|MU Liang-xian2|TIAN Shu-hui2|LI ping2|LIU Yu-hua1|YANG hui1|WANG Shang-wei1|MA Jun-hua1|YIN Guan-lin1|YANG Zhong1|FANG Wen1|CHENG Feng1|LUO Bing-rong1|LI Ke- rong1|DUAN Yu-chun1   

  • Online:2012-10-11 Published:2012-10-11


陈绍荣1|李炳桂2|李文豹2|罗家军1|母亮先2|田淑惠2|李萍2|刘榆华1|杨慧1| 王尚位1|马俊华1|殷关麟1|杨忠1|方文1|陈凤1|罗秉荣1|李科荣1|段玉春1   

  1. 1云南省大理白族自治州血吸虫病防治研究所( 大理 671000);2 云南省鹤庆县血吸虫病防治站
  • 作者简介:陈绍荣|男|副主任医师。研究方向:血吸虫病防治研 究及卫生管理
  • 基金资助:



Objective To evaluate the effect of comprehensive control and management of schistosomiasis at plateaus re? gions in Yunnan Province. Methods Xiaolian and Kangfu villages at plateaus regions where schistosomiasis was endemic were se? lected as study areas from 2006 to 2011,the schistosomiasis comprehensive control measures were conducted,and these measures included the health education,chemotherapy,stool and water management,grazing forbidden,Oncomelania snail control,etc. combined with the infrastructure of farmland water conservancy,agricultural comprehensive development,adjustment of industry structure,returning farmland to forest,ditch hardening,and aquaculture. Results At Xiaolian Village,no schistosomiasis pa? tient and livestock were found from 2008;and at Kangfu Village,no schistosomiasis patient was detected from 2006 and no schis? tosomiasis domestic animal was found from 2008. In 2011,the snail area,percent of frames with living snails,the number of snails,average concentration of living snails,and the highest concentration of living snails descended by 69.99%,81.86%, 88.86%,89.71%,57.95% at Xiaolian Village,and descended by 27.65%,1.11%,94.71%,92.16%,88.00% at Kangfu Vil? lage,respectively,compared with those in 2006. The ratios of infected snail area to snail area were 68.91% in 2006 and 69.13% in 2007 at Xiaolian Village,and 61.73% in 2006 and 43.24% in 2007 at Kangfu Village. There were no infected snails from 2008 in the two villages. Conclusion The comprehensive control and management measures can effectively control the schistosomiasis prevalence at plateaus regions.

Key words: Schistosomiasis;Comprehensive management;Plateaus region;Yunnan Province


目的观察血吸虫病综合治理措施在云南省高原平坝地区的防治效果。方法2006-2011年选择鹤庆县金墩乡高原平坝型血吸虫病流行区的孝廉村和康福村,实施健康教育、查治病、粪水管理、禁牧、查灭螺等血吸虫病综合治理措施,结合农田水利基本建设、农业综合开发、产业结构调整、退耕还林还草、沟渠硬化、水产养殖等项目,实施环境改造消灭钉螺。结果2008年以来孝廉村未发现血吸虫病人和病畜;2006年后康福村未发现血吸虫病人,2008年后未发现病畜。 2011年钉螺面积、有螺框出现率、查出钉螺只数、活螺平均密度、活螺最高密度与2006年比较,孝廉村分别下降了69.99%、 81.86%、88.86%、89.71%、57.95%;康福村分别下降了27.65%、1.11%、94.71%、92.16%、88.00%。2006、2007年阳性钉螺面积占有螺面积比例,孝廉村分别为68.91%、69.13%;康福村分别为61.73%、43.24%。2008年后2村均未发现阳性钉螺。结论通过实施综合治理措施,云南省高原平坝地区血吸虫病疫情得到了有效控制。

关键词: 血吸虫病;综合治理;高原平坝;云南省

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