Chin J Schisto Control ›› 2011, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 390-394.

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Performance evaluation of rural latrine renovation in key schistosomiasis control areas, Jiangsu Province

Jin Xiao-lin1, Xu Xiang-zhen1, Chen Xiao-Jin2|Cao Han-jun1, Shen Ming-xue1, Jiang Wen-cai1, Jiang Gang1   

  1. Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Wuxi 214064, China
  • Online:2011-08-15 Published:2011-08-05


金小林1, 徐祥珍1, 陈晓进2, 曹汉钧1, 沈明学1, 江文才1, 蒋岗1   

  1. 江苏省寄生虫病防治研究所(无锡214064)
  • 作者简介:金小林|男|主任医师。 研究方向:寄生虫病防治和粪便无害化处理


Objective To evaluate the healthy, environmental, social and economic benefits achieved by rural latrine renovation in key schistosomiasis control areas, Jiangsu Province. Methods Eights villages (evaluation villages) that finished and the three villages (control villages) that unfinished in latrine renovation work were sampled and investigated through field visits, household questionnaire, referring to information and so on to collect relevant data, and human waste samples were detected for laboratory indicators in hygiene and environment, in key schistosomiasis control areas in three counties (cities, districts), Jiangsu Province. Results A total of 11 villages and 220 households were investigated. In the evaluation villages, the owning rate and quality conformity rate of three-format sanitary latrines were 98.6 and 98.8%, respectively. The schistosome infection rate, intestinal parasite infection rate, the incidence of intestinal infectious diseases, and related medical costs decreased by 100%, 44.5%, 34.2% and 82.8%, respectively, compared with those before latrine renovation. In laboratory testing, the removal rates of fecal coliform values, CODcr, BOD5 and ammonia nitrogen in the third cell of household latrine were 99.99%, 68.5%, 63.17% and 52.3%, respectively, compared to those in the first cell. The village appearance had changed fundamentally, the villagers were satisfied with the latrine renovation, and their health knowledge and health behavior improved significantly. Conclusions Rural latrine renovation in key schistosomiasis control areas has got great achievements in health, environmental, social and economic benefits. It has played an important role in the promotion of schistosomiasis control, economic development and social harmony.

Key words: Schistosomiasis control, Key areas, Latrine renovation, Performance evaluation, Jiangsu Province


目的 对江苏省血防重点地区农村改厕工作取得的卫生、环境、社会和经济等效益进行综合绩效评价。 方法 抽样选择3个血防重点县(市、区)中8个已完成改厕工作的村为评估村,3个未完成改厕工作的村为对照村。通过现场走访、入户问卷、查阅资料等方法调查、收集相关数据,并采集厕所的粪水样本进行实验室卫生学和环境学指标检测,综合进行改厕绩效评估。结果 共调查11个村、220户居民。评估村三格式无害化卫生厕所拥有率为98.6%、户厕建造质量合格率达98.8%;居民血吸虫感染率、肠道寄生虫感染率和肠道传染病发病率分别比改厕前下降100%、44.5%和34.2%,相关疾病医药费用下降率为82.8%;实验室检测户厕第三格粪水的粪大肠菌值、化学需氧量(CODcr)、五日生化需氧量(BOD5)及氨氮值(AN),与第一格相比的平均去除率分别为99.99%、68.50%、63.17%和52.30%;村容村貌明显改善,村居民对改厕满意度较高、健康知识知晓率和良好卫生行为明显提高。结论 江苏省血防重点地区农村改厕工作在卫生、环境、社会效益和经济效益等方面取得了明显成效,对推动当地血防工作、促进经济发展,以及社会和谐等起到了重要作用。

关键词: 血防, 重点地区, 改厕, 绩效评估, 江苏省

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