不忘初心送瘟神 科学防治谱新篇——纪念毛泽东主席《七律二首·送瘟神》发表60周年
周晓农, 李石柱, 洪青标, 杨坤, 吕山, 许静
Remain true to our original aspiration for farewell to the God of Plague, compose the new chapter for the national schistosomiasis control programme scientifically—Commemoration of 60th anniversary of publishing Chairman Mao Zedong's two poems "Farewell to the God of Plague"
ZHOU Xiao-Nong, LI Shi-Zhu, HONG Qing-Biao, YANG Kun, LV Shan, XU Jing
中国血吸虫病防治杂志 . 2018, (1): 1 -4 .