鄱阳湖区血吸虫病人免疫状态研究 III血吸虫病人抗体低应答现象初探
Study on immune status of patients with schistosomiasis japonica in Poyang Lake region Ⅲ Humoral and cellular immune characteristics between Schistosoma japonicum high and low antibody responders
LI Zhao-jun, YUAN Min, JI Min-jun, XIE Shu-ying, LV Mei-yun, LI Yi-feng, LAN Wei-ming, LIU Yue-min, HU Fei, ZENG Xiao-jun, LI Jian-ying, LIN Dan-dan
中国血吸虫病防治杂志 . 2016, (1): 11 -17 .  DOI: 10.16250/j.32.1374.2015145